Noticiero Latino

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 PROGRAM #9021 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Civil rights leader Dolores Huerta gives her perspective on the Trump administration’s refusal to obey a court order and continue the Census count until the end of October. She also gives her views on the passing of Supreme Court judge Ruth Ginsburg and the nomination […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Census Count: Last Days?

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 PROGRAM #9020 11:00 AM PT Census Count: Last Days? Latino groups applaud Judge Lucy Koh’s decision ordering the Census to continue counting until the end of October and to suspend the Dec 31 deadline for delivering congressional apportionment data. Still, they renew their call encouraging people to fill out the forms before […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Apela Trump fallo de jueza para seguir el conteo del Censo, que segirá hasta el 31 de octubre

(Español) Mientras tanto, y en previsión de fallos desfavorables, agrupaciones latinas arrecian sus llamados sobre todo a las poblaciones que menos se han hecho contar para no demorarse y llenar sus formas antes del plazo del 30 de septiembre, es decir, pasado mañana.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Orden Ejecutiva de Newsom sobre venta de vehículos de cero emisiones y fracking

(Español) Las tecnologías de cero emisiones, especialmente camiones y equipos, reducen tanto las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero como los contaminantes tóxicos del aire que cargan de manera desproporcionada a nuestras comunidades de color desfavorecidas.

Posted in Environment, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Doble revés judicial contra Trump por intentar terminar el conteo del censo y excluir de él a los indocumentados

(Español) Hasta el cierre de esta edición, la orden de restricción temporal contra el gobierno, fue extendida hasta el 24 de septiembre, a menos que la jueza Lucy Koh decida otra cosa. Por el momento, la decisión está en manos de la jueza.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Elections, Homepage Feature |

US Census: The Lawsuits, The Race Question.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 PROGRAM #9006 12:00 PM PT US Census: The Lawsuits, The Race Question. A federal court in New York blocked Trump from using the census population count to undercut immigrant representation in Congress. Another federal court in California has barred the Census Bureau from ending the count in September. Political leaders discuss these news and a distinguished […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Court Orders Census Cannot End Early

According to an order from a federal judge, the Census Bureau must continue its counting efforts until the original October 31 deadline, instead of cutting the period short by one month as planned by the Trump administration.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Revés de Tribunal Federal a intento de Trump por excluir del Censo a los indocumentados

(Español) “Esta es una gran victoria para los derechos de voto y los derechos de los inmigrantes. El presidente Trump ha intentado y fracasado una vez más en armar el censo contra las comunidades de inmigrantes. La ley es clara: todas las personas cuentan en el censo”.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature |

Extra Edition.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 PROGRAM # 8995 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition. The US Census Bureau plans to end the census count on September 30, one month ahead of schedule. Without the benefit of in-person contact, advocates of Mayan and Mixtec indigenous migrants in California are resorting to creative ways to reach these communities, considered among […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Final Push in Census Count for California’s Mayan Communities

With four weeks remaining in the 2020 Census count, Mayan activists in California are working hard to resurrect their campaign to ensure that indigenous residents hailing from Mexico and Guatemala appear in the count.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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