Noticiero Latino Broadcast

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 19

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Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 18

Obama touts insurance rebates under health care law (FJR – in house) No immigration reform before summer recess, says Obama (MVG) Sheriff Arpaio continues immigration raids in Arizona (ED) Students protest Napolitano appointment as UC President (MO) Mexico government campaign aims to reduce hunger (CS)

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 17

Senate agrees to speed up confirmations, filibuster rules (MVG) Texas activists protest border security component in immigration bill (RFS) McCain, Flake bill aims to help prevent wildfires in Arizona (ED) Protest in Los Angeles calls for justice in Trayvon Martin case (RT) Household income slightly up in Mexico (CS)

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 16

New rules for ICE immigration raids (MVG) San Diego teen protests father’s immigration detention (MO) Nearly 200 Washington State farm workers on strike (JLB) Mayor from Mexico visits Harris County Sheriff (RFS) Mexico announces infrastructure investments (CS)

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 15

Acquittal of George Zimmerman for Trayvon Martin’s death (JA) Protests over Zimmerman acquittal spread to California (RT) Tucson’s culture courses spark concern among state officials (ED) In Houston, Latinos hard hit by inflation (RFS) Record deportations under Obama (MVG)

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 12

Boehner: House will not consider Senate immigration bill (JLZ) Hunger strike among prison inmates in California on 4th day (MO) GOP could lose House majority over immigration, says poll (FJR – in house) Domestic workers rights campaign launched in Texas (RFS) California inmates continue hunger strike over solitary confinement (RT)

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 11

(Español) Edición matutina: Se transmite a las 10 y 11 de la mañana, y a las 12 del mediodía, hora del Pacífico

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 10

(Español) Edición matutina: Se transmite a las 10 y 11 de la mañana, y a las 12 del mediodía, hora del Pacífico

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 9

(Español) Edición matutina: Se transmite a las 10 y 11 de la mañana, y a las 12 del mediodía, hora del Pacífico Jul 9, 2013

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition July 8

(Español) Edición matutina: Se transmite a las 10 y 11 de la mañana, y a las 12 del mediodía, hora del Pacífico

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

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