
Climate Crisis Triggers Valley Fever Cases in California

In California, the drought, which has been exacerbated by climate change, has triggered alarming levels of valley fever cases. This is a dangerous disease caused by an infectious fungus that affects mostly residents of the US Southwest, and particularly farm workers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health, Jobs |

Extra Edition: Moms Engaging Latino Voters. Also, Age Discrimination.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 PROGRAM # 9769 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Moms Engaging Latino Voters. On National Hispanic Heritage Month, a group of Latino parents are coordinating community events around the nation to highlight the heavy impact air pollution and climate change are having on the health of Latino children. communities. A leading member of […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Elections, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Campesinos de CA votarán libremente por su sindicalización tras la firma de la AB 2183

(Español) “Nuestro estado ha sido definido por el heroico activismo de los trabajadores agrícolas, defendido por íconos estadunidenses como César Chávez, Dolores Huerta y Larry Itliong. California se enorgullece de apoyar a la próxima generación de líderes que llevan a cabo este movimiento”, dijo Newsom.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Lanza protección al trabajador de CA en condiciones de peligro por cambio climático

(Español) “Esperamos que lo que convenza al gobernador es que estas son las vidas de las personas más vulnerables de nuestro estado. Sean trabajadores domésticas, de la costura o de cualquier industria donde hay inmigrantes, trabajando latinos con miedo, donde los abusan, para protegerlos a ellos más que a nadie”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Jobs |

Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. Also, Juan Felipe Herrera School

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9739 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. The California legislature passed a landmark bill to regulate wages and protect fast-food workers. How will this bill impact the industry and the country? Juan Felipe Herrera School – A recently opened dual immersion school for elementary education in […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Vigilias simultáneas en ciudades de California hasta que Newsom firme la AB 2183

(Español) Republicanos del Senado de California enviaron una carta a Newsom justificando que “no hay nada de malo en el actual sistema de elecciones sindicales… y que un representante sindical pueda ayudar a un trabajador a completar una boleta, podría estar ser una oportunidad para el engaño y la intimidación”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Corona marcha campesina de 3 semanas en pos de la firma del gobernador Newsom

(Español) Sentí pena que después de esos 60 años de lucha en el campo tengamos que seguir luchando para que nuestros derechos puedan ser plenamente ejercidos. Sobre todo los de los campesinos, que han dedicado los últimos 23 días en una caminata de casi 340 millas. Lo tienen que volver a hacer, desde hace 50 y tantos años que César Chávez usó la misma vía”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Jobs |

Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25 PROGRAM # 9725 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento. Dozens of farmworkers walk through fields and country roads on the day before completing a three-week march to Sacramento. They go to the state Capitol to push for the right to vote by mail in union elections, and safer […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 PROGRAM # 9718 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento.  Dozens of farmworkers on their 16th day of a three-week march to Sacramento arrive in Turlock. They push for the right to vote by mail in union elections, safer working conditions and other demands. Participants in the long march […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

Dangerous Air from Wildfires. Also, Worker Protections Against Summer Heat.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 PROGRAM # 9712 12:00 PM PT Dangerous Air from Wildfires. A number of homes burnt by a wildfire forcing the evacuation of a small town in the state of Washington. The worst of the wildfire season is still to come. The toxic smoke from the fires is putting in danger the health […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Jobs |

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