
(Español) Colorado brinda cobertura médica a bajo precio para inmigrantes e indocumentados

(Español) Sin importar que elija un plan de nivel plata, bronce u oro, van a brindarle cobertura para servicios de emergencia y laboratorio; de salud mental de cero dólares; hospitalización; medicamentos recetados, y servicios de salud preventiva gratuitos. No paga para su chequeo anual, ni vacunas, etcétera. Son planes de primera calidad que cubren todos los servicios esenciales de salud”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

More Free Covid Tests in the Winter. Buying Health Insurance: More Subsidies Now. Colorado’s Omnisalud.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19 PROGRAM # 9858 12:00 PM PT More Free Covid Tests in the Winter. The Biden administration is again making COVID-19 tests available for free as part of a contingency plan as cases rise this winter. The four rapid virus tests per household are available through A new surge of cases is […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition: Sodas Endanger Latino Kids. (A Repeat.) Also, Underutilized Health Care Services.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 9852 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Sodas Endanger Latino Kids. (A Repeat.) Sodas and sugary drinks are the leading contributors to the high prevalence of childhood and teen obesity and tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes. In a new report coinciding with National Diabetes Month, Los Angeles County public health […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Health |

Virus Trifecta Spreads. Children and Pandemic Protections. Hunger in Los Angeles.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 PROGRAM # 9851 12:00 PM PT Virus Trifecta Spreads. As we enter another holiday winter season, COVID-19 and other viruses are spreading widely and things are getting worse. Cases of coronavirus, flu and respiratory syncytial infections are rapidly rising in communities around the country. What to do in anticipation of the holiday […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) El hambre es injusticia, el Condado de Los Ángeles combate la inseguridad alimentaria

(Español) “Hay que seguir expandiendo la elegibilidad, independiente del estatus migratorio… crear programas suplementarios… darle el poder a las organizaciones comunitarias para enrolar a las personas en estos programas… necesitamos datos sobre dónde se necesita el cambio inmediato… falta mucha coordinación e inversión”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Health |

Appealing to Citizens to Reduce Hate Crimes in Los Angeles

Faced with the alarming increase of hate crimes in Los Angeles County, authorities have launched a campaign to counteract it. Through the “Los Angeles Against Hate” campaign, leaders are encouraging citizens to call a confidential hotline and file complaints.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

To Attract In-Home Caregivers, California Offers Paid Training — And Self-Care

The in-home assistance program, which has been around for nearly 50 years, is plagued by high turnover. About 1 in 3 caregivers leave the program each year, according to University of California-Davis researcher Heather Young, who worked on a 2019 government report on California’s health care workforce needs.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Teachers at the Brink of Burnout.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9849 12:00 PM PT Teachers at the Brink of Burnout. Researchers were surprised to find out that teachers experienced significantly more anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic than healthcare workers who were on the frontlines of the public health crisis. Those teaching remotely reported substantially higher rates of depression and feelings […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Education, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Latinos y los problemas de salud mental, acceso a tratamiento con MediCal y elegibilidad

(Español) “También las barreras del idioma pueden dificultar o incluso hacer imposible la comunicación con los proveedores. Particularmente cuando una persona busca asesoramiento para problemas que consideran cuestiones muy personales”, como de salud mental.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Sodas Endanger Latino Kids. Also, Underutilized Health Care Services.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 PROGRAM # 9844 12:00 PM PT Sodas Endanger Latino Kids. Sodas and sugary drinks are the leading contributors to the high prevalence of childhood and teen obesity and tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes. In a new report coinciding with National Diabetes Month, Los Angeles County public health authorities warn that Black […]

Posted in Youth, Línea Abierta, Health |

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