
The Unequal Scourge of Cancer. Justice Ginsburg Legacy. Conviction on Jesuit Massacre Trial.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 PROGRAM #9012 12:00 PM PT The Unequal Scourge of Cancer. A first-ever report concludes that “the immense burden of cancer is not shouldered equally by all” and warns that the pandemic is exacerbating the existing cancer health disparities. While there has been progress in areas such as the cancer death rates among […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Acusan a ICE de realizar una ‘limpieza étnica’ en mujeres inmigrantes bajo su custodia

(Español) “Son utilizadas para perfeccionar exámenes ginecológicos, métodos anticonceptivos y otros procedimientos de atención de la salud reproductiva antes de que estén disponibles de manera segura para los ricos y blancos… han estado gritando sobre estas atrocidades durante siglos, sólo para encontrarse con el silencio”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

“Housing for the Harvest.”

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 PROGRAM #9007 11:00 AM PT “Housing for the Harvest.” The counties of Fresno and San Joaquin are the first to participate in “Housing for the Harvest,” a new program announced to provide temporary hotel housing for farm and food-processing workers to self-isolate if they are Covid-19 positive and do not require hospitalization. […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health, Jobs |

(Español) Muertes de menores de 21 años por Covid-19: 45% latinos, 29% negros y 14% blancos, dice nuevo Informe

(Español) “Hubo 71 muertes entre los menores de 17 años, incluida una docena de bebés. Las 50 muertes restantes tenían entre 18 y 20 años… Aun así el 10% de los casos fatales ocurrió en niños menores de 1 año”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

Battling Historic Mega Fires.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 PROGRAM #9005 12:00 PM PT Battling Historic Mega Fires. The unprecedented wildfires raging through 13 western states in the US, have burned more than five million acres, including small towns, forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands, and are putting millions at risk of inhaling toxic smoke far beyond the fires. The […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

(Español) Republicanos del Senado avanzan con su proyecto de ley de estímulo “adelgazado”

(Español) Pero en lugar de mejorar su oferta, los republicanos del Senado “la han hecho más tacaña e incluso menos apropiada para la crisis que se avecina”, dijo a la fuente el senador ‘Chuck’ Schumer, de Nueva York, líder de la minoría en la cámara alta.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic. Also, Climate Crisis Endangers Workers Health.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 PROGRAM # 9001 12:00 PM PT Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic. Latinos are among the hardest hit by the loss of jobs and they are at risk of losing more jobs in the second wave of firings due to the coronavirus crisis. One industry where Latinos had made inroads and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Health, Jobs |

Coronavirus: Extra Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 8999 11:00 AM PT Coronavirus: Extra Edition. In one of the largest Covid outbreaks in food processing plants in California, 400 workers got infected and 8 died in a Foster Farms chicken plant in Livingston. The plant was shut down by the county amid a public outcry and congressional calls […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

Celebrating Latino Workers.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 8998 12:00 PM PT Celebrating Latino Workers. This is a special Labor’s Day edition. In the current campaign trail, conservative politicians are equally bashing California and Latinos, using them as a political piñata. Both the state and Latino workers and their families are being portrayed as burdensome, lawless and dirty. […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Workers Denounce Poultry Plant’s Negligence Amid Explosion in Coronavirus Deaths

About 400 workers were infected with the coronavirus and eight died while working at Foster Farms, a poultry processing giant.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

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