
(Español) Trump positivo al coronavirus ¿qué consecuencias traería?

(Español) “Tras salir del primer debate nauseado, que ya ha pasado a otra dimensión, el caos puede volverse violento y la tentación de llamar a las fuerzas armadas, las policías, es muy alta”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Arizona Immigrants Avoid Doctors for Fear of “Public Charge” Rule

In Arizona, undocumented Latino families and those with mixed immigration status are avoiding clinics and hospitals for fear of being considered a “public charge” and facing retaliation from federal authorities.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Llevará UC Davis pruebas de COVID-19 gratis a trabajadores agrícolas del Valle Central

(Español) “Estamos llegando a donde están las necesidades, y las necesidades en este momento, basándonos en los datos sobre el número de casos, el número de muertes, la propagación, los brotes del virus que están ocurriendo… las necesidades están ahorita en el valle central de California y otras áreas agrícolas”,

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Continúa ICE sometiendo por fuerza a prácticas ginecológicas a mujeres bajos su custodia

(Español) Es claro que hace falta una investigación profunda que detenga dichas histerectomías que se les practica de manera involuntaria e innecesaria a las mujeres inmigrantes detenidas en clara violación de sus derechos civiles y humanos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Advierten de lo que puede pasar con el confinamiento, y sobre una ameba ‘comecerebros’ en el agua

(Español) Eso es porque “puede llevar meses desarrollar músculo y sólo una semana perderlo”. Y a pesar de nuestra resistencia, sostiene el profesor, “también perdemos músculo más rápidamente a medida que envejecemos”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

New Plan Sought for Major Lead Clean-up in Los Angeles Neighborhoods

After thousands of homes in southeastern Los Angeles were contaminated with toxic lead dust from the Exide Technologies battery recycling plant, the state government responded with what it called the largest environmental cleanup operation in California’s history.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

In Face of COVID Threat, More Dialysis Patients Bring Treatment Home

Home dialysis requires patients or their caregivers to lift bags of dialysis solution that weigh 5 to 10 pounds, Stiles said. Good eyesight and hand dexterity are also critical because patients must be able to maintain sterile environments.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Signs of an ‘October Vaccine Surprise’ Alarm Career Scientists

A senior FDA official who oversees vaccine approvals, Dr. Peter Marks, has said he will quit if his agency rubber-stamps an unproven COVID-19 vaccine.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |
Molly Adams via flickr

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 PROGRAM #9014 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Members of Congress intervened to halt the deportation of a detained immigrant woman who complained that doctors at a Georgia detention center performed forced hysterectomy, a traumatic experience that according to a whistleblower nurse, was also performed on more detained immigrant women. This case raises […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Covid-19, Diabetes and Healthy Eating.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 PROGRAM #9013 11:00 AM PT Covid-19, Diabetes and Healthy Eating. If you have diabetes, you may be more likely of getting a Covid-19 infection and for sure you are at higher risk of serious complications from the infection. Experts and patients join this roundtable to discuss how to stay healthy and manage […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

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