(Español) Vinculan vacunación con disminución en tasas de infección de Covid-19 en CA
(Español) El Secretario Becerra emitió una directiva, vigente desde el 25 de septiembre, que autoriza a todos los proveedores del Programa de Vacunación COVID-19 de los CDC, para poner a disposición y administrar dosis de refuerzo de Pfizer-BioNTech a todas las personas elegibles, incluidas las mayores de 65 años.
(Español) Alertan sobre la peligrosa calidad del aire que se respira en el Valle de San Joaquín
(Español) Debido a los incendios que arrasan los bosques de la zona serrana, las ciudades del Valle de San Joaquín están en Alerta Roja por su Índice de Calidad del Aire, que actualmente se ubica entre 150 y 200.
(Español) Estados Unidos en sentido inverso a las leyes internacionales sobre el aborto
(Español) En tanto, una inmensa marea de mujeres, similar a la que protestó contra Trump al día siguiente de su toma de posesión como presidente, marcharon este fin de semana inundando las calles y plazas de las principales ciudades de Estados unidos para con lema: “No dejes que Estados Unidos siga el camino de Texas”.
California Makes Unprecedented Investment in Fighting Fires and Climate Change
Wildfires that have devastated more than 100,000 acres in the Sequoia National Forest continue to threaten populations in the hills of central California.
Extra Edition: Flu and Covid-19 Shots.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 PROGRAM # 9396 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Flu and Covid-19 Shots. The coming flu season could be severe and organized doctors are encouraging everyone eligible to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the flu to help prevent the spread of either virus. The CDC recently updated its guidance to clarify that it […]
Extra Edition: Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? A Program Repeat.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 PROGRAM # 9393 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? A Program Repeat. US health authorities will begin distributing Covid vaccine booster shots in coming days as vaccine protection seems to wane over time. Who and why should get the booster shot? Is it necessary? When can you […]
Dangerous Coronavirus-Related Illness Increases in California Children
Dangerous Coronavirus-Related Illness Increases in California Children – Hospitals in California’s Central Valley, already crowded due to the Delta variant of COVID-19, are now facing another crisis
Extra Edition: Tips for Talking to Youth About Suicide.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PROGRAM # 9389 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Tips for Talking to Youth About Suicide. In this repeat program: children and youth have been particularly affected by the pandemic. Their emotional, physical and academic wellbeing has been hit after isolation and remote learning. As they go back to school and readjust to […]
Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them?
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PROGRAM # 9390 12:00 PM PDT Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? US health authorities will begin distributing Covid vaccine booster shots in coming days as vaccine protection seems to wane over time. Who and why should get the booster shot? Is it necessary? When can you get it? How effective is […]
(Español) Ley que bridaría cubre bocas N95 a campesinos de CA genera controversia
(Español) La industria agrícola empeora con el cambio climático pero los agricultores dicen no poder darse el lujo de impedir que se levante la cosecha.