
Health Coverage for Immigrants.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 PROGRAM # 8210 12:00 PM PST. Health Coverage for Immigrants. Coinciding with the start of ACA’s Open Enrollment season, and in a new effort to reach the non citizens, a large healthcare organization is expanding health coverage for uninsured, low-income young adults in an impoverished region of California’s Central Valley. Under the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Nine sick of valley fever at Monterey County solar construction site, one hospitalized

State public health officials blamed that high rate of infection to lapses in safety precautions at the work site. They recommend that construction workers take common sense precautions in affected areas, including soaking dirt while digging, minimizing hand-digging in favor of heavy equipment with enclosed, air conditioned, HEPA-filtered cabs, and ensuring workers have respirator masks.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) ¿Cómo afecta el plan de recorte impuestos republicano al sistema de salud?

(Español) En las dos primeras semanas de inscripción ya se superaban ampliamente los números del mismo periodo del año pasado.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Eating with Gratitude: Jacka Mobile. Also, Eating with Gratitude: Woke Foods.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23 PROGRAM # 8206 12:00 PM PT Eating with Gratitude: Jacka Mobile. An entrepreneurial Mexican family who owns a taco truck is creating a new menu and new food market using as their main ingredient a little-known fruit from India called jacka. They cook jacka with traditional Mexican seasonings, and, with tasty offerings […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Tax Reform Bills. Also, Open Enrollment and Politics.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 PROGRAM # 8205 12:00 PM PST. Tax Reform Bills. The House Republicans have passed a tax-cut bill. The Senate Republicans are working on their own tax-reform version. While the White House says the tax giveaway to the big corporations will create new jobs and higher income for the working class, a political […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Murkowski apoyará derogación de mandato individual de Obamacare, para impulsar recorte de impuestos

(Español) Revocar el mandato individual, “liberaría más de 300 mil millones de dólares en fondos del gobierno durante la próxima década, que los republicanos podrían usar para financiar sus recortes de impuestos propuestos para los más ricos y las corporaciones”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Valley Fever Surging Again In California This Year

Agricultural communities are particularly hard hit by the fungal infection, which is contracted by breathing in spores when dust rises into the air because of weather conditions or activities such as farm work or construction.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Republicanos buscan derogar Obamacare pero mantener mandato para tener seguro

(Español) Decenas de millones de contribuyentes pagarán significativamente más, “mientras este plan republicano entre en vigor, o un futuro Congreso extienda las exenciones impositivas, haciendo que el agujero del déficit que están creando sea más profundo”: Schumer.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Keeping or Banning Dangerous Insecticide. Also, No Guns in Schools.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 8198 12:00 PM PST. Keeping or Banning Dangerous Insecticide. Health advocates from the San Joaquin Valley, the area with the highest use of chlorpyrifos, are urging California authorities to stop delaying the end of the use of this brain-damaging chemical. The insecticide, one of the most widely used in the […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

California Cracks Down On Weed Killer As Lawsuits Abound

(Español) El glifosato, ingrediente activo en Roundup encontró su camino en la cadena alimenticia y en los cuerpos de las personas. Un estudio publicado recién en la revista médica JAMA mostró que el número de adultos del sur de California que dieron positivo a glifosato en la orina y excremento aumentó dramáticamente de 1993 a 2016.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

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