
Parent Alert! Your Kid May Be Vaping More Than Tobacco

But teens are tech-savvy and aren’t necessarily buying devices made just for marijuana. For instance, Lambert said, they’re learning how to refill their Juul pods, the cartridges that contain e-juice, with different blends, including marijuana oils, with the help of video tutorials on YouTube.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Policía de L. A. indemniza a familia de desamparado asesinado a tiros por el LAPD

(Español) La familia de Keunang discrepó de los antedichos hallazgos y llevó el caso a un tribunal federal. El jurado responsabilizó a los agentes y fue entonces que la ciudad decidió llegar a un acuerdo con la familia.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Bans on Toxic Pesticides.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22 PROGRAM # 8408 12:00 PM PT Bans on Toxic Pesticides. In a landmark case, Monsanto has been ordered to pay 289 million in damages to a terminally-ill man with cancer. The judge found Roundup weedkiller caused the man’s cancer and Monsanto “acted with malice and oppression.” On other news, a federal court […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

(Español) Negligencia institucional podría estar envenenado a los niños

(Español) Este viernes un jurado de California encontró responsable a Monsanto en una demanda presentada por Dewayne Johnson, jardinero de una escuela, quien dijo que los herbicidas de la compañía Monsanto, incluido Roundup y otros que contienen glifosato le causaron cáncer.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

For Many College Students, Hunger Can ‘Make It Hard To Focus In Class’

Some schools are also using the Swipe Out Hunger program, which allows students to donate their unused meal plan vouchers, or swipes, to other students to use at campus dining halls or food pantries.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

(Español) Revocan reglas de autos limpios pero California y otros estados contraatacan

(Español) Trump propone congelar requisitos de niveles de emisiones exigidos a la industria automotriz antes de las regulaciones impuestas por el gobierno de Obama, y dejarlos así hasta 2026.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Rollback of Clean Car Rules. Also, Smoke from Wildfires: Health Alerts.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 PROGRAM # 8399 12:00 PM PT Rollback of Clean Car Rules. The Trump administration is proposing to rollback landmark federal clean car and fuel economy standards. About 20 state Attorney Generals are countering with legal challenges, stating the new plans will cause people to breathe dirtier air and pay higher gas prices. […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Breathing ‘A Chore’: California Wildfires Threaten The Health Of Young And Old

Kimberly McCoy, who lives in Fresno, has seen that firsthand. She and her son both have asthma, and she said her chest feels tight and her son has been wheezing. McCoy said she hasn’t let her son outdoors in recent days. “That’s really hard for an active 6-year-old,” she said.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Disparidades raciales severas en arrestos por mariguana a pesar de su legalización en D.C.

(Español) En 2017, dice la Policía Metropolitana, “el 86 por ciento de los arrestados eran negros, a pesar de que los residentes negros sólo son alrededor del 47% de la población del Distrito de Columbia”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Trump Administration Loosens Restrictions On Short-Term Health Plans

Short-term plans have been around for decades, meant as a stopgap for job changers, students and others who found themselves without coverage.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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