
Ni Una Menos.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 PROGRAM # 8433 12:00 PM PT Ni Una Menos. Feminist leaders from Argentina visit California to speak about the three-year-old movement Ni Una Menos, a campaign to demand policies to prevent feminicides and set a national agenda that focuses on labor and reproductive health rights, including decriminalizing abortion. In this conversation, they […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Salen al paso a crisis de sobredosis, salud y prisiones

(Español) La conferencia también sucede en Ohio, cuando además de la crisis de sobredosis ésta se halla ligada al tema de “las prisiones y cárceles, a punto de reventar, rondando el 130% de su capacidad”, donde muchos de los presos están ahí por posesión de cantidades menores y sobredosis several de fentanol.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

5 Things To Know About Trump’s New ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Proposal

“The Trump Administration’s proposal punishes hard-working immigrant families — even targeting children who are citizens — for utilizing programs that provide basic nutrition and healthcare. This is an assault on our families and our communities,” Becerra said in a statement.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Bad Air And Inadequate Data Prove An Unhealthy Mix

San Joaquin Valley residents breathe some of the dirtiest air in the country, but it can be a challenge for them to find accurate and timely information on the air quality in their neighborhoods. This summer, nonprofit organizations began distributing 20 small air monitors to hard-hit families, and next year, the state is expected to install monitoring systems in some communities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health, Latest News |

Confusion Leaves Low-Income Children In Health Care Limbo

But she agreed to pay the dental office nearly $4,500 in increments of $100 each month to cover the braces. She was unemployed at the time, and took the money out of her son’s $910 monthly SSI… she needed to cover many of the family’s other expenses as well. “I had no choice but to do it,” she said. “I didn’t want him to suffer like that.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Efeméride del 11 de septiembre de 2001, y a 17 años algunas lecciones históricas

(Español) Y cuando las personas sienten que sus valores tradicionales están siendo amenazados “y que esto contribuye al aumento de la inmigración, se produce un conflicto y se produce el terrorismo”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Low-Income Californians Feel Twice The Burn From Wildfires

(Español) Familias como la de Viviana sufren de manera especial y desproporcionada con los incendios forestales, porque ese humo agrega otra capa de sustancias tóxicas al aire ya contaminado de sus vecindarios, por las usuales quemas controladas en los campos agrícolas de alrededor.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

One Year After Hurricane Harvey, Latino Families Recovering on Their Own

A year after Hurricane Harvey caused the most destruction and pollution in Houston’s history, thousands of residents remain camped out on their damaged properties for lack of official help or money from insurers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment, Health |

Apology for Forced Sterilizations.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 PROGRAM # 8419 12:00 PM PT Apology for Forced Sterilizations. Los Angeles County apologized for forcing more than 200 women to be sterilized between 1968 and 1974. This practice started in 1909, when state clinics were guided by a eugenics law to prevent “unfit” people, like Latinas, the poor and the disabled, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Cancer, Schmancer. In California, Coffee Is King

Kirsten Richardson, 30, a North Carolina resident who was visiting Sacramento this week and stopped in for a vanilla latte at The Mill, a local coffee shop, said she was glad to hear the FDA had vindicated her favorite drink.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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