
(Español) Salud reproductiva bajo ataque: Missouri podría seer el 1er estado sin clínicas para abortos en EE UU, desde Roe v. Wade

(Español) El gobierno estatal de Missouri dejó en claro que no podría completar su investigación, o dar el siguiente paso, que sería renovar la licencia de la clínica, hasta que se dirija a todos los residentes y becarios.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Climate Change: A Looming Public Health Crisis in California

In the past decade, the state has experienced a host of record-breaking events, including the highest number of high tide flood days in 2017 in San Diego, the hottest month on state record in July 2018, and the Camp Fire, the most destructive and deadliest wildfire that devastated parts of Northern California.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Fear among Latinas in passing abortion ban in Alabama

The law prohibits abortion even if the pregnancy was the result of incest or rape. It only allows abortion if the life of the woman is in danger.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

A Medical Sanctuary For Migrant Farmworkers

Bautista’s two clinics provide a haven for immigrants. Patients are never asked about their immigration status, and the staffs have set up protocols in case the offices are raided by immigration authorities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) El día que las mujeres toman las calles de Estados Unidos

(Español) la Marcha de Mujeres de 2019 marca dos años de resistencia a la presidencia de Trump, con “dos años de capacitación de nuevos activistas y dos años de creación de poder… volvemos con una agenda, nos acercamos y estamos arrastrando el mundo con nosotros”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Fighting Big Pharma’s Inflated Drug Prices. Also, Alabama’s Controversial Abortion Ban.

MONDAY, MAY 20 PROGRAM # 8610 12:00 PM PT Fighting Big Pharma’s Inflated Drug Prices. Calling Big Pharma companies “the largest private sector corporate cartel in history,” 44 US states took the industry to court claiming there is collusion to fix hundreds of generic drug prices. On other news, California Gov. Newsom kicked off this […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Industria de medicinas genéricas, el mayor cartel de las drogas en la historia de EE UU

(Español) “Esta conspiración ha causado daños a los estados de todo el país por miles y miles de millones de dólares. Y los llevaremos a corte y los haremos pagar por el dinero que le robaron al pueblo estadunidense”, concluyó el fiscal William Tong.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health, Latest News |

Newsom changes course on funding for immigrant health

On Thursday, when Newsom unveiled his revised budget — one that still included the plan to divert money from the four counties — he announced it would cost less to cover young adult unauthorized immigrants next year than previously estimated.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health, Latest News |

Asking Never Hurts

“We have a growing number of young people in this country crying out for help at a young age.” “Why are we not addressing that full force?”
Mental health professionals say that with children, early intervention is crucial to avoid more severe and costly problems later on. Yet even parents with good insurance struggle to find care for their children.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Día oscuro para las mujeres en Alabama. La gobernadora firma la ley contra el aborto

(Español) “Prohibir el aborto es suficientemente malo. Encarcelar a los médicos por brindar atención va más allá del límite. Los políticos de Alabama siempre vivirán en la infamia por este voto y nos aseguraremos de que cada mujer sepa a quién responsabilizar”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

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