
Functional and Integrative Medicine.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 PROGRAM # 8647 12:00 PM PT Functional and Integrative Medicine. A third generation physician who practices Integrative Medicine is now exploring Functional Medicine. He talks about the difference between both methods and the mainstream, conventional medicine. He also comments on the loss of the dialog between doctor and patient under the US […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Nueva amenaza de Trump contra Obamacare dejaría sin cobertura médica a decenas de millones

(Español) De darse cualquier otra decisión “es mucho menos probable que la Corte Suprema tome el caso”. Pero si el Quinto Circuito opta por anular el fallo, su decisión podría ser la última palabra sobre el tema, dando a los demócratas otra gran victoria.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Tackling the Growing Medical Bills. Also, Citizenship Question: Off the Census.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 PROGRAM # 8642 12:00 PM PT Tackling the Growing Medical Bills. A national health care analyst discusses a bipartisan bill moving through the US Senate aimed at helping protect families who are suffering from rising health care costs and poor quality care. How are these problems of paying for health care and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Dile a General Mills que no envenene más a tus hijos

(Español) A medidados de mayo de este mismo año un jurado de California otorgó a un par de personas 2 mil millones de dólares en daños punitivos tras concluir que “la exposición sostenida al popular herbicida Roundup de Monsanto -el glifosato- llevó a un diagnóstico de cáncer”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

California to Expand Health Insurance to Undocumented Young Adults 

California will become the first state in the country to offer medical coverage to undocumented youth under 26 years of age. It is estimated that the coverage will benefit 90,000 individuals at a cost of $98 million.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

(Español) Gobernador incluye en el presupuesto de California atención médica para ciertos indocumentados

(Español) Gavin Newsom aplaudió esfuerzos de negociación de los comités, y aseguró que el presupuesto estatal incluye un superávit de 21 mil 500 millones de dólares para expandir cobertura médica a jóvenes inmigrantes indocumentados pobres.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Keeping Kids Healthy And Sane In A Digital World

Smartphones, tablets and video consoles can be addictive. They interfere with sleep. They draw kids into an alternate universe, often distracting them from more productive — and healthier — real-world activities. And they are linked to anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and obesity.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Un posible colapso de la civilización asoma en el horizonte de la aldea global, y en México

(Español) “En todo el mundo, en México va a haber más esos fuegos, lo que requiere tener una política de adaptación y preparación, no estar esperando a que lleguen los incendios para prevenir el impacto”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

New Plan to Help California’s Poorest Children

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently toured the state along with political and community leaders to win public support for his plan to end extreme child poverty.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Climate Change Threatens Public Health. Also, Cities Want Their Own Public Banks.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 PROGRAM # 8617 12:00 PM PT Climate Change Threatens Public Health. For years, California has been hit by devastating wildfires, floods, droughts, and dangerous heat waves, which are expected to continue and multiply. Activists warn that if no urgent policy action is taken, the human-caused global warming will soon become a public […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

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