
Extra Edition: Food for All. Also, Millions at Risk of Losing Medicaid.

THURSDAY, APRIL 20 PROGRAM # 9981 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Food for All. Warning that immigrants in California have been struggling to put food on the table because of rising food prices and the cutting of resources after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, state legislators are proposing to expand eligibility for […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Con el fin de la emergencia sanitaria, personas con covid de largo plazo se sienten abandonadas

“I was so surprised,” she said. “And then I felt betrayed because it is terrible to get a letter where a doctor, although within their rights, says that they don’t want you for a patient anymore, because it causes self-doubt.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Extiende por dos días la Corte Suprema un fallo que limita el acceso a la píldora abortiva

(Español) La administración Biden le entró al debate y apeló inmediatamente el fallo del juez federal en Texas, y un panel dividido de tres jueces de la Corte de Apelaciones para el Quinto Circuito, con sede en Nueva Orleans, anunció que la mifepristona podría seguir siendo legal y disponible mientras la demanda se abre camino a través de los tribunales.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 18 PROGRAM # 9979 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. President Biden announced that immigrants recipients of DACA will be able to get health coverage through Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act if eligible. What to expect from conservative states? A leading “Dreamer” examines the proposed rule. In other news, Florida Gov. DeSantis and […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Restrictions on Access to Abortion Pill Go to Supreme Court – 

The abortion pill Mifepristone can remain on the market, albeit with some limitations on access after an appeals court partially blocked a Texas judge’s ruling.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

The Rate of Older Californians Dying of Malnutrition Has Accelerated

Among large, urban counties, Sacramento had the highest rate of malnutrition deaths among those 65 or older from 2020 through 2022. County spokesperson Macy Obernuefemann said the public health agency helps control and manage chronic diseases often accompanied by malnutrition and that several programs help seniors get the food they need.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Cierre de último hospital en Madera, dificulta atención médica para trabajadores en el Valle

(Español) Más de 180 hospitales rurales han cerrado en Estados Unidos desde 2005, “con un récord de 19 cierres sólo en 2020. Esta tendencia es médica y económicamente devastadora para las comunidades; “históricamente, los hospitales han respaldado uno de cada 12 empleos rurales y, después de un cierre, la población de una comunidad generalmente comienza a reducir”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Fallos encontrados sobre autoridad de FDA para uso de mifepristona, y el gobierno apela

(Español) “Si este fallo se mantuviera, entonces prácticamente no habría receta, aprobada por la FDA, que estaría a salvo de este tipo de ataques políticos e ideológicos… La demanda, y este fallo, es otro paso sin precedentes para quitarle las libertades básicas a las mujeres y poner en riesgo su salud”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Trump Indicted. Nashville School Shooting. Bishops Oppose Gender-Affirming Care.

MONDAY, APRIL 3 PROGRAM # 9963 12:00 PM PT Trump Indicted. In an unprecedented case, a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald Trump for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, sending shockwaves to the 2024 presidential race. This is the first former president to face criminal charges in the nation. […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Prison Company Sued for Exposing Immigrants to Toxic Disinfectant

A lawyers’ association sued the multi-million dollar prison company Geo Group last week in a California court, accusing it of putting detainees at risk of chemical poisoning.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

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