
(Español) Anuncian el mayor presupuesto en la historia para el Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria

(Español) Hoy, casi el 90% de los beneficiarios del SNAP dicen no tener suficiente dinero para completar la dieta del mes. Por eso el Secretario Vilsack ha enfatizado la importancia de poner alimentos saludables a disposición de los estadunidenses de bajos ingresos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 PROGRAM # 9348 12:00 PM PDT Mexico Edition. Mexico sued top US gunmakers and is seeking 10 billion in damages accusing them of playing a key role in arms trafficking across the border and fueling the bloodshed. The Mexican government says almost all the guns found in crime scenes come fom the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Infrastructure Plans Bring Historic Investment to Fight Climate Change, Says Energy Secretary

This week, a United Nations report on global warming offered a dire forecast. Climate change is worsening at a rapid pace and humanity is running out of time.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Senate Approves Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

In a resounding victory for President Biden, the Senate approved the infrastructure plan by a large majority with bipartisan support.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

(Español) Proyectos demócratas de ley presupuestaria atraviesan una verdadera prueba de fuego

(Español) Porque incluso estos moderados sostienen que retrasar la votación sobre el primer proyecto de infraestructura, de un billón de dólares, corre el riesgo de que eventos imprevistos la descarrilen.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Extra Edition: New Eviction Ban.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 PROGRAM # 9346 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: New Eviction Ban. The Biden administration issued a new two-month eviction moratorium to help people who are behind on their rent but the order is now facing legal challenges. What’s in the new eviction ban? How to rescue tenants at imminent risk of eviction? […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Crisis de Desalojos, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Nuevos datos del censo desatarán una guerra de gerrymandering por el control del Congreso

(Español) Los intentos demócratas para debatir una versión de la Ley del Pueblo, la HR1, fueron bloqueados por los republicanos una vez más; una maniobra para agotar los tiempos legislativos, y luego el Senado dejó todo tirado para irse a su receso de verano.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

The language of Race and Ethnicity in Medicine. Also, Biden’s Plan on Clean Cars.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 PROGRAM # 9345 12:00 PM PDT The language of Race and Ethnicity in Medicine. A renowned medical expert is questioning the use of current racial and ethnic categories to measure human similarities and differences. The current classification has led to the exclusion of non-White communities and to damaging health consequences. At a […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Aprueban legislación de 3.5 billones y CA expande ayuda a indocumentados

(Español) Si los 50 senadores del caucus demócrata se mantienen unidos, la medida podría aprobarse en el Senado sin un voto republicano, anulando la amenaza obstruccionista.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Extra Edition: Latinos: Targets of Scams. Also, Paid Leave for All.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 PROGRAM # 9343 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Latinos: Targets of Scams. According to recent findings, about 40% of Latino adults have been the target of a scam and one in five have lost money due to a scam. Latinos are often targeted by scams involving government imposter, utility scams, and grandparent […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health, Jobs |

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