
(Español) Piden a Congreso incluir provisión a proyecto de ley para cerrar brecha en cobertura de Salud

(Español) “La gran mayoría de los estados que no han expandido el Medicaid probablemente no lo harán. Entonces lo que se pide es que el Congreso cree otra opción para que las personas en esta brecha puedan obtener cobertura médica”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 PROGRAM # 9702 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Voters in Arizona and Washington state go to the polls today for primary elections. Analysts review new laws impacting this election season and high profile races and issues driving voters to the polls. On other news, human rights groups in El Paso remember the […]

Posted in Elections, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Experto desestima crítica de republicanos en Proyecto de Ley de Reducción de la Inflación

(Español) Este proyecto de legislación se convierte en “la mayor inversión a favor del clima y el gasto energético, así como para la atención médica en la historia de Estados Unidos… el paquete está posicionado para reducir parte del problema de la inflación”.

Posted in Economy, Elections, Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Big Climate and Tax Deal. Also, Educating Latino Voters in Georgia.

MONDAY, AUGUST 1 PROGRAM # 9700 12:00 PM PT Big Climate and Tax Deal. Senators Schumer and Manchin reached a spending deal that will raise taxes on the rich to fund investments in climate and health care. The “Inflation Reduction Act,” announced as the biggest pro-climate investment in US history, is set to be voted […]

Posted in Economy, Elections, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) ¿Qué dice el proyecto de Ley de Reducción de la Inflación de 2022?

(Español) Más de 60 mil millones para comunidades de bajos ingresos y de color, afectadas de manera desproporcionada por los efectos ambientales y de salud pública a consecuencia del cambio climático.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, JULY 29 PROGRAM # 9699 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Berries, Mexico’s top agri-food export product, is rapidly replacing the traditional corn crops in the state of Jalisco, one of the largest berry producers. The state government touts the sudden development of the agroindustry. They call this project “Jalisco gigante agroindustrial.” Yet, local community […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Biden issues executive orders on climate crisis, some call for more

As intense heat waves hit the country, President Biden announced executive actions to invest in disadvantaged communities to help them cope with extreme heat waves, mega wildfires, floods, and other extreme weather events.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Surprise Senate compromise on climate, health, and tax spending

Surprise Senate compromise on climate, health, and tax spending – After long negotiations, Senate leaders announced a plan to combat climate change by taxing the wealthiest and lowering drug prices.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Extra Edition: Covid Vaccines for the Youngest Kids. Also, “Cruzando Líneas.”

THURSDAY, JULY 28 PROGRAM # 9697 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Covid Vaccines for the Youngest Kids. The national public health agency of the US is recommending children as young as 6 months to get a Covid-19 vaccine, calling it the single most important tool to protect children against severe attacks of Covid. A leading […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Destraba Manchin la agenda climática y energética del presidente Biden

(Español) Pero dicen también que el referido acuerdo podría brindar a los demócratas un alivio en los próximos días para salvar una parte importante de su agenda nacional, que hasta hace muy poco parecía hundida. Y que esperan obtener rápidamente los votos que necesitan en el Senado, tan pronto como la próxima semana.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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