
Urgent Federal Aid Package Nearing Approval –

After the Electoral College affirmed Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are moving to urgently finalize a new economic aid package.

Posted in Economy, Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 PROGRAM # 9122 12:00 PM PST Mexico Edition. After the Electoral College voters have officially chosen Joe Biden as president, will Mexico’s President López Obrador finally congratulate the winner? Analysts comment on the repercussions in Mexico of the end of the Trump era, the changes expected in the US-Mexico relationship under Biden, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) Corte Suprema pospone revisar caso del censo, y brinda a Trump victoria provisional

(Español) El caso ante el tribunal, ‘Trump v. Nueva York’, fue presentado por dos grupos de demandantes: uno un grupo de gobiernos estatales y locales con la Conferencia de Alcaldes de Estados Unidos; y el segundo, una coalición de grupos de defensa de los indocumentados y otras organizaciones no gubernamentales.

Posted in CENSO 2020, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Health For All: New Push. Also, Fighting the Hunger Crisis.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 PROGRAM # 9121 12:00 PM PST Health For All: New Push. Stating that the Covid-19 pandemic has hit hardest communities of color, farmworkers and other essential workers, a state legislator from California’s Central Valley is renewing his effort to expand Medi-Cal health care coverage to undocumented immigrants. In this conversation, he explains […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition. How to Have Safer Holiday Celebrations during the Pandemic.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 PROGRAM # 9120 11:00 AM PST Extra Edition. How to Have Safer Holiday Celebrations during the Pandemic. With the holiday season upon us, public health leaders are calling on everyone to celebrate safely by cutting back traditional gatherings to help prevent further spread of COVID-19 to friends and loved ones. What to […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Acuerdo bipartidista sobre ayuda por la pandemia podría anunciarse muy pronto

(Español) McConnell advirtió a los republicanos que se prepararan para permanecer en Washington durante el fin de semana, mientras los legisladores y asistentes ajustaban el texto legislativo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) ¿Señales de avance?, en negociaciones sobre la ayuda económica a los estadunidenses

(Español) Los legisladores tienen poco tiempo para actuar. Trump promulgó una medida de gasto de una semana, hasta este viernes, para llegar a un acuerdo y evitar un nuevo cierre del gobierno. Y podrían verse obligados a buscar otra medida de gasto a corto plazo, o más negociaciones en la semana de Navidad.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 9118 12:00 PM PST Immigration Edition. After a year and a half in immigration detention and afflicted by chronic medical conditions, Rene Ramírez Alatorre is free due to high risk of Covid-19 complications. In this interview, Ramírez talks about his life as a detainee and in solitary confinement in the […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Electoral College Casts Votes. Also, Early Voting in Georgia US Senate Runoffs.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 PROGRAM # 9116 12:00 PM PST Electoral College Casts Votes. All 50 states and DC have certified their presidential election results and the members of the Electoral College meet today to choose the president. Meantime, the US Supreme Court dismissed a legal challenge by Trump and Texas to invalidate millions of votes […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Se avecinan viejos y nuevos retos en la dividida sociedad estadunidense

(Español) Para el Covid 19 ya hay varias vacunas, pero para el otro virus de prejuicio, xenofobia, mentiras y falsedades que Trump y los republicanos han inoculado entre sus huestes, no la hay.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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