
(Español) Congresista de CA propone canalizar ayuda financiera a Centroamérica vía sociedad civil

(Español) “Bueno, mire, yo no soy muy diferente de esos niños que vienen aquí a reunirse con sus padres, con sus tíos, you know, yo también llegué a este país a vivir con un tío. Así que…”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Latinoamérica, Politics |

Voting Battlegrounds.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 PROGRAM # 9226 12:00 PM PDT Voting Battlegrounds. After Georgia, Texas and Arizona are now becoming the new battlegrounds on voting rights. At least 47 states are pushing legislation to limit early voting hours, prohibit drive-thru voting and other measures. Big companies have spoken out against these law initiatives and Major League […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 13 PROGRAM # 9225 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. Congresswoman Norma Torres, the only Central American serving in Congress, is urging the White House to restrict foreign assistance to governments in Central America over corruption and authoritarianism. She proposes instead to channel aid to civil society and nongovernmental organizations. On this matter, she […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Biden Infrastructure Plan.

MONDAY, APRIL 12 PROGRAM # 9223 12:00 PM PDT Biden Infrastructure Plan. Announcing it as a jobs bill, President Biden put forward a giant infrastructure plan for a massive overhaul of corporate taxes that would raise 2 trillion to help fix roads and bridges, as well as create clean water programs, high-speed internet, and the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) La esquiva reforma migratoria

(Español) “Queda por ver si Biden y los demócratas pasan por alto a los republicanos e invierten capital político para ver si de una vez y por todas la reforma migratoria deja de ser el ‘patito feo’ del cuento”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Arranca serie de reuniones bipartitas en la Casa Blanca sobre plan de infraestructura

(Español) En cuanto al filibusterismo Manchin volvió a repetir que “no hay ninguna circunstancia” bajo la cual votaría para deshacerse del obstruccionismo (filibusterismo), en un golpe a la agenda de Biden.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Un giro en la lucha de corporativos de EE UU contra la supresión del voto en Georgia

(Español) Chenault y Frazier habían coordinado ya una carta “firmada el mes pasado por 72 ejecutivos de negocios negros que hacía un punto similar: una carta que primero llamó la atención sobre los proyectos de ley de votación”, en los gobiernos estatales de todo el país y ahora hablan de retirar donaciones y financiamientos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, APRIL 9 PROGRAM # 9222 12:00 PM PST Mexico Edition. The lawyer who filed a lawsuit against Mexico’s electoral authorities to establish the figure of a migrant congressmember in Mexican law gives details of his legal complaint. An emigrant activist for the vote of Mexicans abroad comments on the issue and also talks about […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Corporations Asked to Oppose Voter Restrictions

President Biden and Republican leaders are at odds over a wave of Republican initiatives aimed at restricting the vote in most states based on false claims of fraud in the last elections.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

California and US Relief for Immigrant Families.

THURSDAY, APRIL 8 PROGRAM # 9221 12:00 PM PST California and US Relief for Immigrant Families.  California is giving relief to immigrant families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Undocumented immigrants can receive stimulus checks as long as they file taxes with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN.) Many Californians with ITINs may also receive two tax […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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