
Extra Edition: Undocufunds.

TUESDAY, MAY 11 PROGRAM # 9252 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Undocufunds. Immigrant advocates are back urging the city of Fresno in Central California to invest money into a legal aid fund to help defend families threatened with deportation. The President of the Council is sponsoring the initiative and also comments on the proposed creation […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Gavin Newsom entregará 600 dólares de ayuda pandémica a los californianos

(Español) “Si la propuesta de Newsom se convierte en ley, dos tercios de los californianos recibirían cheques de estímulo del estado, incluidos aquellos que ya han recibido cheques”, dijo el portavoz del Departamento de Finanzas del estado de California, H.D. Palmer.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Anuncian Becerra ahorros y más de 900 mil nuevas inscripciones a la cobertura médica

(Español) De ahora y hasta el 15 de agosto de 2021 los consumidores que deseen inscribirse en la cobertura, comparar ofertas de planes o ver si son elegibles para primas más asequibles pueden visitar CuidadoDeSalud.gov y ver los planes y precios de 2021, e inscribirse.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

(Español) Reforma migratoria y “bipartidismo”: en guerra avisada no muere gente

(Español) Los demócratas deben preocuparse más por hacer realidad sus promesas de campaña a todos los sectores que los catapultaron al triunfo en las ramas Ejecutiva y Legislativa, en vez de seguir tratando de ganarse el favor de quienes solamente buscan destronarlos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, MAY 7 PROGRAM # 9250 12:00 PM PDT Mexico Edition. On June 6, Mexicans will vote in the country’s midterm elections, the largest in national history. Analysts consulted by our partner radio station Radio Educación talk about the new modality of consecutive reelection for Mexico’s congressmembers, the public discussion about the benefits and challenges […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

The Worsening Opioid Crisis.

THURSDAY, MAY 6 PROGRAM # 9249 12:00 PM PDT The Worsening Opioid Crisis. Opioid overdose deaths were spiking in the months preceding the coronavirus pandemic, but the opioid fatalities have accelerated since the start of the pandemic. Health officials have sounded the alarm and issued health advisories to respond to the new wave of drug […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition.

THURSDAY, MAY 6 PROGRAM # 9248 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition. US Health Secretary Xavier Becerra is encouraging consumers to benefit from the expanded access and lower health care costs for those enrolled in Marketplace health policies due to the American Rescue Plan. The special period to sign up has been extended to August 15 […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

The True Origins of Cinco de Mayo – A Repeat.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 PROGRAM # 9247 12:00 PM PDT The True Origins of Cinco de Mayo – A Repeat. Why is Cinco de Mayo – a holiday commemorating a Mexican victory over the French at Puebla in 1862 – so widely celebrated in California and across the US, and not so much in Mexico? As […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Historia, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) Leyes de supresión del voto afectarán también a los republicanos

(Español) A os electores de Arizona, Georgia, Carolina del Sur, Missouri y La Florida por ejemlo, les gustan algunas políticas de Biden ,a partir de que pasó la Ley de Rescate Estadunidense y destinó ayuda en efectivo a todos los habitantes de cualquier partido político en el país. Como votar por anticipado o por correo.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, MAY 4 PROGRAM # 9246 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. Latino members of Congress are urging President Biden to get immigration reform done this year by pushing for a simple majority under the budget reconciliation procedure. Others are calling for the end of the filibuster, which gives excessive power to the Senate’s minority. Analysts […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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