
Hottest U.S. City Fights Temperatures with Cool Pavement

To mitigate “heat islands,” areas in cities that continue overheated after sundown due to asphalt and buildings, the mayor of Phoenix announced two urgent measures last summer.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Governor Delays Signing Farm Unionization Bill

After walking more than 300 miles across California for 24 days, a group of farm workers was met with bittersweet news upon arriving in Sacramento. The state legislature has passed the bill championed by the caravan, which would give farm workers the option to vote by mail in union representation elections, but Governor Gavin Newsom warned that he is not ready to sign it.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Republicans are Betting Large Sums on Latino Candidates

With ten weeks to go before the elections, the Republican Party is spending millions of dollars to promote the campaigns of more than 100 conservative Latino candidates who are critical of President Biden’s agenda.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Extra Edition: California Bans Gas Cars.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 PROGRAM # 9732 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: California Bans Gas Cars. California bans the sale of new gasoline cars to move the state to zero emissions by 2035. Washington and Massachusetts are announcing similar mandates. What are the challenges ahead for the ambitious state plan? This and other topics are discussed […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Wildlands Fire Protection. Also, Preparing to Survive Disasters.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 PROGRAM #9733 12:00 PM PT Wildlands Fire Protection. Western states are at higher risk of deadly wildfires, which are getting worse as each year more areas are burned. Why so many wildfires? How can those disasters be averted? An expert shares findings of a study to reduce fuel and protect communities from […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Aprueba CA grandes fondos al combate del cambio climático ante una brutal ola de calor

(Español) El verano de 2020 registró la temperatura más alta del condado de Los Ángeles: 121 grados Fahrenheit, y en la mayor parte del estado el verano no ha sido particularmente agradable. Las temperaturas promedio de junio y julio en California fueron más altas que el promedio de los últimos 30 años, dicen expertos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Crece envío de migrantes a NY en autobús, y ahora hacia todas las ciudades santuario

(Español) Datos de la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas señalan que el estado sureño ha gastado más de 12 millones de dólares en transportar a miles de migrantes desde la frontera sur a ciudades como Washington, D.C. y Nueva York, con un costo de más de mil 300 dólares por pasajero.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Amplía America’s Voice campaña bilingüe para denunciar el extremismo republicano

(Español) Estos republicanos se han quedado callados mientras sus colegas han mentido sobre la elección de 2020 y han hecho eco de las mismas teorías conspirativas del nacionalismo blanco sobre la “invasión” y “el gran reemplazo”, que inspiraron a terroristas domésticos para cometer masacres en ciudades como Buffalo, El Paso y Pittsburgh.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Texas Midterm Elections.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 PROGRAM # 9731 12:00 PM PT Texas Midterm Elections. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (Republican) and Democratic challenger Rochelle Garza, a civil rights attorney, are virtually tied in the battle for the state’s chief legal office. The race for Texas governor is also tightening. Civic leaders examine those news, the congressional races […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Autoriza FDA vacunas bivalentes contra variantes y subvariantes de Omicron

(Español) Las personas que reciben una vacuna COVID-19 bivalente pueden experimentar efectos secundarios comunes a los de las personas que reciben vacunas aprobadas de COVID-19 de ARNm monovalentes.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

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