
Extreme Heat Wave has California on the Brink of Massive Blackouts  –

California is suffering the most intense heat wave in its history, with temperatures exceeding 110 degrees in many cities around the state. In addition, as electricity consumption soared, the system was on the verge of blackouts.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 PROGRAM # 9741 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Parents of the 43 Mexican students who went missing in Guerrero in 2014 comment on the recent report by Mexico’s Truth Commission calling this incident a “state crime,” the arrest of former Attorney General Jesús Murillo, and their quest to continue their search to […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Candidates Campaign on Denying Legitimacy of Last Presidential Elections 

At least 250 Republican candidates have won the endorsement of former President Trump by disavowing Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

The Colorado River is Drying Up. Do Latinos Have a Voice in the Cause to Save It?

The great Colorado River, the waterway that provides drinking water to seven western U.S. states, is drying up. Reservoirs are at their lowest levels in history. The governments of states in the river basin agree that a plan to reduce consumption is urgently needed.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Se espera continúe calor de tres dígitos en Fresno ¿Sabes cómo mantenerte saludable?

(Español) En Fresno se espera que esta semana las temperaturas alcancen máximos diarios de 106 grados hasta este sábado. Aquí hay algunos consejos para proteger su salud. El calor extremo y la exposición prolongada a altas temperaturas pueden ser perjudiciales para su salud.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Residentes del condado de Fresno se quedan con poco o ningún alivio del calor de tres dígitos

(Español) La comunidad carece de un centro de enfriamiento durante el calor extremo. El único lugar público con sombra en Cantua Creek está debajo de un solo árbol en el estacionamiento de un edificio abandonado del condado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. Also, Juan Felipe Herrera School

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9739 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. The California legislature passed a landmark bill to regulate wages and protect fast-food workers. How will this bill impact the industry and the country? Juan Felipe Herrera School – A recently opened dual immersion school for elementary education in […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics, Jobs |

Covid Fall Wave, New Booster Shots. Also, Student Debt Relief: What to Know.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9740 12:00 PM PT Covid Fall Wave, New Booster Shots. Colorado’s Covid hospitalizations dropped during the summer, but Denver’s public health department is warning that infections will increase during the fall. In other news, the federal government suspended the program of sending free Covid-19 testing kits to people around the US […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

The Colorado: A Drying River.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 9738 12:00 PM PT The Colorado: A Drying River. The Colorado River, the West’s largest water supply, is flowing with less and less water. Its reservoirs are drying up. And mega-drought, climate change and overuse are exacerbating the shortage crisis. To save the Colorado River, the seven Western states that […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Tras las olas de calor extemo altas facturas de electricidad y menos ayuda federal

(Español) Y cuando los estadunidenses no tienen suficiente dinero para calentar sus hogares, dice la fuente, “a veces recurren a soluciones potencialmente mortales: usar calefactores que se sabe que provocan incendios o soportar temperaturas bajo cero”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

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