
Restrictions on Access to Abortion Pill Go to Supreme Court – 

The abortion pill Mifepristone can remain on the market, albeit with some limitations on access after an appeals court partially blocked a Texas judge’s ruling.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

The Rate of Older Californians Dying of Malnutrition Has Accelerated

Among large, urban counties, Sacramento had the highest rate of malnutrition deaths among those 65 or older from 2020 through 2022. County spokesperson Macy Obernuefemann said the public health agency helps control and manage chronic diseases often accompanied by malnutrition and that several programs help seniors get the food they need.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Extra Edition: Tax Filing Season.

THURSDAY, APRIL 13 PROGRAM # 9974 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Tax Filing Season. The tax season has begun and a tax expert shares tips on how taxpayers can prepare and file a tax return and avoid common mistakes that could reduce your tax refund. He discusses what you should know about the recent changes […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

The 2023 Farm Bill. Also, New Mexico One Year of the Fire.

THURSDAY, APRIL 13 PROGRAM # 9975 12:00 PM PT The 2023 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill, renewed by Congress every five years, is up for reauthorization. The law is seen as a centerpiece for food, farming and nutrition policy in the nation. As Congress is drafting the new bill, officials are pushing for ways to […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Jobs |

(Español) Tiroteo en Nashville desata protesta estudiantil mientras dos legisladores negros retoman sus escaños

(Español) “Ayer fue un día histórico porque nunca había ocurrido la expulsión de dos legisladores… Y porque el Concejo de Nashville ha votado para restituir a esos legisladores y para que la comunidad se sienta protegida… en un tema muy polémico”.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Nashville Massive Walkouts Over Gun Violence. Also, Anti-Trans Legislation Wave.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 PROGRAM # 9973 12:00 PM PT Nashville Massive Walkouts Over Gun Violence. The Nashville school shooting sparked massive walkouts in Tennessee and around the nation. Students demanded gun reform. And after House Republicans expelled two young Black Democrats over those rallies, hundreds filled the capitol to protest the retaliation move. Reporters and […]

Posted in Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 11 PROGRAM # 9972 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. After being detained and deported to Guatemala in 2008, Claudia Cifuentes mother returns to the US after a long fight to reunite with her family in Washington state. In this interview, she tells her story of family separation and her lawyer talks about the […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Extra Edition: California Major Disaster.

TUESDAY, APRIL 11 PROGRAM # 9971 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: California Major Disaster. California was granted a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration, a move that brings federal aid to residents and businesses ravaged by the winter storms in the Central Coast and Central Valley. People in Kern, Monterey, Tulare and other counties will now be […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Tennessee, un nuevo frente en la batalla por el futuro de la democracia estadunidense

(Español) La agresión republicana parece haberse devuelto como un bumerang, pues luego de la expulsión de los legisladores negros la atención nacional se centró en ellos y comenzaron a recaudar sin proponérselo al principio miles de dólares de campaña en el lapso de unos pocos días.

Posted in Education, Elections, Homepage Feature, Justicia Racial, Politics |

(Español) Cuando el extremismo republicano ya no se disimula

(Español) “… el daño que estas medidas tuvieron no sólo sobre ciudadanos estadunidenses, particularmente los hijos ciudadanos de inmigrantes indocumentados, y sobre la economía; desde la pérdida de consumidores y residentes, hasta la pérdida de cosechas enteras por falta de mano de obra”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

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