
In Georgia, President Biden Calls for Voting Rights Protections

This week, President Biden traveled to Atlanta, a city known as the birthplace of the civil rights movement, where he issued a national call to defend minority voting rights and change Senate filibuster rules if necessary.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Elections, Homepage Featur, Politics |

California’s Historic Law on Overtime Pay for Farmworkers Goes into Effect

Farmworkers in California can now receive extra pay for time worked beyond eight hours per day or 40 hours per week. The law, which began to be phased in three years ago, went into full effect on Jan. 1 for any employer with at least 26 employees on the payroll.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Politics, Jobs |

Extra Edition: Jazzing Up Mariachi Music. (Repeat)

THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 PROGRAM # 9501 11:00 AM PT Jazzing Up Mariachi Music. (Repeat) In the 1940s and ‘50s, Miguel Martínez changed mariachi music forever, from folk music that mostly highlighted string instruments to a music marked first by a single trumpet and later by a trumpet duet. Maestro Martínez was the main individual responsible […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta |

“Chavela.” (Repeat), also “Vanishing Frontiers.”

THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 PROGRAM # 9502 12:00 PM PT “Chavela.” (Repeat). The film “Chavela: Trailblazer, Rebel, Icon,” showcases the life of the late ranchera singer Chavela Vargas. Born in Costa Rica, Chavela moved at an early age to Mexico City, where during the 1950s broke with Mexican mainstream conventions by dressing in pants, drinking tequila, smoking […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Avanzan demócratas un paso hacia adelante para conseguir la ley de derechos de voto

(Español) Nancy Pelosi declaró tras la aprobación de la medida que urdió en la cámara baja: “Nada menos está en juego que nuestra democracia”. La estrategia que realizara la Cámara de Representantes para aprobar la medida, ahora “le permite a Schumer llevarla directamente al piso del Senado”, dice la fuente.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Featur, Politics |

(Español) El huevo de la serpiente anida en el Congreso. Es hora de actuar

(Español) El momento ha llegado. Está en juego el Congreso y el año electoral ya comenzó. El Senado debe aprobar dichos proyectos de ley y proteger a los votantes durante las elecciones intermedias y más allá. El tiempo se termina.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Featur, Politics |

Ask KHN-PolitiFact: Is My Cloth Mask Good Enough? The 2022 Edition

(Español) Pero, si incluso actualizando las máscaras todavía se está preocupado por omicron, lo primero que se puede hacer es vacunarse y recibir el refuerzo (booster), dijo el doctor Neal Chaisson, profesor asistente de medicina en la Clínica Cleveland.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Health |

No Latinos in the Movies. (Repeat).

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 PROGRAM # 9500 12:00 PM PT No Latinos in the Movies. (Repeat). Latino movie stars played a leading role the night of the Oscars. But aside from filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, most served as presenters. The critics also warn that despite Los Angeles being home to the film and television industry and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Nueva York da derecho a votar en elecciones locales a residentes legales no ciudadanos

(Español) Hay quienes temen que va desanimar a los que quieren hacerse ciudadanos, pues una vez pudiendo votar seguramente ya para qué’.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Escucha la Suprema caso de trata, y rescatan a 26 trabajadores agrícolas ‘esclavizados’

(Español) “Están reuniendo a más trabajadores para ver si es posible encausar no sólo a os contratistas, sino a más productores agrícolas”.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Jobs |

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