
Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, JAN 21 PROGRAM # 9510 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Mexicans in the US have sent historic amounts of remittances back home amid the hardships of the pandemic. An expert talks about efforts to transform remittances into productive investments in the emigres’ hometowns, including migrant bonds and microbanks in San Quintin and other rural […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Latinos Affected by Flooding in the Northwest Struggle to Get Federal Aid

Thousands of people affected by the torrential rains in November in Washington State struggle to recover. Although the federal government declared an emergency in the counties bordering Canada and the emergency management agency, FEMA, has mobilized relief workers, the aid has not been enough for many of those who lost their homes

Posted in Homepage Featur, Environment, Latest News |

Historic Funding Proposed in California for Small Business and Health Coverage for Immigrants

Backed by a multimillion dollar surplus in California’s coffers, Governor Gavin Newsom included in his budget for the next fiscal year historic funding that offers universal health insurance and loans for small businesses launched by immigrants, among other investments aimed at immigrant families.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Democrats’ Voting Rights Bill Defeated in Senate

On his first anniversary in the White House, President Biden suffered a major setback with the defeat of the new voting rights bill. Two senators from his Democratic ranks refused to support it. With an unfinished agenda, Latino activists warn that the president and his Democratic Party will struggle at the polls in November.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Featur, Politics |

Extra Edition: California’s Budget Plan.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 PROGRAM # 9508 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: California’s Budget Plan. Gov. Newsom unveiled his proposed state budget. He is planning to spend California’s historic surplus by ramping up Covid boosters and testing, fighting the climate crisis, including extreme heat, wildfires and the drought, expanding CalFresh to include undocumented people 55 and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Combating Omicron Surge.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 PROGRAM # 9509 12:00 PM PT Combating Omicron Surge. As fast-spreading Omicron becomes the dominant Covid variant, US hospitalizations largely among unvaccinated people break record numbers. In California, as authorities prepare for the endemic phase of Covid, public health leaders urge Californians to get booster doses and use effective face masks to […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Colorado brinda útil ayuda y traducción para afectados por el Incendio Marshall

(Español) La comunidad del Condado de Boulder impactada por el Incendio Marshall, puede visitar el Centro de Asistencia de Catástrofes para acceder a diversos servicios, incluyendo pérdida de propiedad y presentación de reclamos, asistencia financiera y alimentaria, apoyo de salud mental, traducción, transporte y más.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Environment |

(Español) Fracasan demócratas para pasar ley electoral en el Senado, se quedan cortos con dos votos

(Español) El proyecto de ley que fracasó el miércoles habría garantizado 15 días de votación anticipada, el registro de votantes en línea, evitado que funcionarios electorales y el propio Secretario de Estado en las entidades dominadas por los republicanos aprobaran el conteo de los votos y su certificación, así como el Gerrymandering.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Historia, Homepage Featur, Politics |

The Deep Freeze and the Deadly Carbon Monoxide. Also, Winter Home Fires.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 PROGRAM #9507 12:00 PM PT The Deep Freeze and the Deadly Carbon Monoxide. The Texas power crisis in February set off the worst carbon monoxide poisoning in recent history. Blacks and Latinos took a disproportionate toll of this epidemic. And while Texas finally passed a new law to require carbon monoxide alarms […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) El año de la deuda en inmigración

(Español) “No sólo demostrar que persiste el compromiso con los inmigrantes indocumentados, sino para comprobar que el Siglo XXI estadunidense merece reivindicar su carácter plural y diverso ante una realidad migratoria que ya no se puede soslayar, sino a riesgo de perder más de lo que se ha ganado desde la lucha por los derechos civiles”.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

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