
(Español) Dueños de casas y negocios reciben ayuda de SBA tras incendios Windy y KNP en CA

(Español) “En lo personal aprendí que todas las personas somos vulnerables, que no importa nuestro estatus económico, y que el miedo es de todos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 PROGRAM # 9517 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. President López Obrador appointed two former governors from the party that ruled Mexico for decades as consuls of Mexico. The nominations have sparked pointed questions from career diplomats and anti-corruption activists, in reference to the corruption scandals surrounding one of the politicians-turned-diplomats. In another […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Guatemalan Paramilitaries Face Maximum Penalty for Abuse of Indigenous Mayans During Civil War

After four decades of litigation, a Guatemalan court has issued a 30-year prison sentence to five paramilitaries accused of sexually abusing and enslaving dozens of Indigenous women from the Achi Mayan community during the civil war.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Justicia Racial, Latinoamérica |

California to Make History with Health Insurance for All, Including the Undocumented

California is poised to make history by extending health coverage to all low-income residents of the state, including the undocumented. The proposal is part of the new budget by Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

(Español) Preparándose para futuros “incendios climáticos”, diseñan mapa en Colorado

In Colorado, Designing a Map to Prepare for Future “Climate Wildfires” – Nearly a month after the Marshall Fire ravaged three suburban Denver towns, and to help prepare for future climate-driven wildfires, state officials are developing a pioneering virtual environmental mapping project.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. Also, Reaching Out to the Unvaccinated.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9515 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Historic Overtime Pay for Farmworkers. California farmworkers have now the right to get the same overtime pay that most other workers have. The new law, first of its kind in the nation, began taking full effect on January 1st for most businesses and farms. A […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Disaster Relief for Small Businesses and Homeowners. Also, Biden’s Climate Record After One Year in Office.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9516 12:00 PM PT Disaster Relief for Small Businesses and Homeowners. Federal authorities are providing disaster assistance loans to small business owners, farmers and homeowners and renters affected by the wildfires in the West. Many people who suffered losses were not able to get FEMA aid. Other federal agencies are […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Farmacias rechazan pacientes inmunocomprometidos en buscan la 4ta vacuna anti covid

(Español) “Es ridículo”, dijo el Dr. Dorry Segev, cirujano de trasplantes e investigador de la Universidad Johns Hopkins. “Los CDC dejan muy claro qué está permitido, e incluso las personas que imprimen la guía de los CDC y la llevan a sus farmacias son rechazadas”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Politics, Health |

Oil and Gas Air Pollution. Also, Texas Abortion Law Legal Fight; Breyer to Retire.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 PROGRAM # 9514 12:00 PM PT Oil and Gas Air Pollution. Oil and Gas Air Pollution. Methane emissions from the oil and gas industry are increasing and in addition to being one of the most “potent” greenhouse gasses that causes climate change, methane is also highly toxic for communities living nearby.  One […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Corte de caja a primer año de gobierno de Biden

(Español) “Lo que puede hacer inmediatamente es asegurar que la gente puede entrar a nuestro país, con asilo, y quitar el Título 42”.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

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