Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JUNE 23 PROGRAM # 8095 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Given the lack of justice that the Mexican people is enduring, more and more victims are seeking the protection of international courts. This is the case of Valeria, an 11-year-old girl raped and murdered in Nezahualcóyotl city, whose disappearance report was ignored by the […]
(Español) Demandan al gobierno de México investigar espionaje a periodistas y abogados
(Español) Comentaristas mexicanos, abrumados por la respuesta temprana del gobierno de México, que consideró a algunos como muy defensivos, y la reafirmación de la opinión ampliamente extendida de que el gobierno está más interesado en preservar su autoridad que en hacer cumplir el estado de derecho”.
(Español) Gobierno de México ataca a abogados a periodistas y familias usando virus telefónico
(Español) La compañía que fabrica el software, el Grupo NSO, dice que vende la herramienta exclusivamente a los gobiernos, con un acuerdo explícito de que se utilice sólo para combatir a los terroristas o los cárteles de la droga y los grupos delictivos que han raptado y matado a los mexicanos.
Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JUNE 16 PROGRAM # 8090 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. After the lifeless body of Lesvy Berlin Osorio was found in the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the institution denied that she was its student and did not contradict the version of “suicide” that police leaked to the press. It is now known that […]
(Español) #nuestravozesnuestrafuerza ¡No al silencio!
(Español) Desde Estados Unidos, nos solidarizamos con nuestros colegas de México, al tiempo que exhortamos con toda urgencia al gobierno mexicano a investigar con prontitud y a profundidad el reciente asesinato de Javier Valdez, y a poner un hasta aquí al historial de impunidad que ha rodeado a prácticamente todos los asesinatos de periodistas hasta la fecha.
Despite Dangers, Mexican Mothers Exhume and Search for Disappeared Children
Faced with the indifference of Mexican authorities, a group of mothers known as “The Searchers” (Las Buscadoras) have united to form search teams to locate the remains of their loved ones, who were the victims of forced disappearance in the northern state of Sinaloa.
Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JUNE 9 PROGRAM # 8085 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. We reach the eighth anniversary of the fire that engulfed the ABC daycare center in Hermosillo, Mexico, which left 49 children dead and 80 seriously injured. Those implicated in the disaster have not faced punishment, and standardized security measures haven’t been set either. From […]
(Español) México en llamas: Las Buscadoras y Nestora
(Español) “Hemos encontrado 89 cuerpos; hemos entregado 54, los demás están en espera de un examen de ADN, y entre esos cuerpos está el de mi hija”.
Las Buscadoras.
MONDAY, JUNE 5 PROGRAM # 8081 12:00 PM PST. Las Buscadoras. A group of Mexican mothers who lost hope that authorities will ever find their disappeared children, decided to come together and organize search parties to find their remains. With nothing but shovels and sheer determination, the group now known as Las Buscadoras (The Searchers) […]
U.S. Leaders Condemn a Wave of Assassinations of Mexican Journalists
The veteran reporter Javier Valdez was recently assassinated in Mexico, becoming the seventh journalist killed in that country so far this year. Valdez’s death generated widespread denunciation and protests due to the international acclaim he earned during his career, spent investigating drug trafficking and its links with high-raking politicians and businesspeople.