Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 PROGRAM # 8794 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. This is a conversation with the new head of Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission. The daughter of Rosario Ibarra, the renowned pioneer of the human rights movement in Mexico, Rosario Piedra promises to seek the truth in the numerous cases of political repression and […]
(Español) En medio de juicio de destitución, Trump firma acuerdo de libre comercio TMEC
(Español) “En un anexo del acuerdo, México también se comprometió a promulgar reformas legales radicales para combatir el trabajo forzoso y la violencia contra los trabajadores, permitir sindicatos y tribunales laborales independientes, así como elevar salarios.
“El Linchamiento Gráfico de Francisco I. Madero.”
MONDAY, JANUARY 27 PROGRAM # 8790 12:00 PM PT “El Linchamiento Gráfico de Francisco I. Madero.” Mexican political cartoonist and writer Rafael Barajas Durán, better known as “El Fisgón”, released a new book looking into the number of hard-hitting cartoons against President Madero, the early-century Mexican revolutionary who defeated dictator Porfirio Díaz in the polls […]
Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 PROGRAM # 8789 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Línea Abierta provides a weekly edition to report and provide analysis on top news developments around Mexico. In this collaboration, Martha Elena Ramírez host of the Voz Pública program in Mexico City, facilitates interviews with newsmakers and calls from listeners. Photo: México a través de […]
New York Court Grants Two Months to Garcia Luna’s Defense
In a preliminary hearing this week, Judge Brian Cogan of New York gave a period of just over two months for the defense team of Genaro Garcia Luna – the architect of Mexico’s war on drugs under President Felipe Calderon
Drug Cartels: Critical Trial and New Novel.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 PROGRAM # 8787 12:00 PM PT Drug Cartels: Critical Trial and New Novel. After pleading not guilty to drug-trafficking charges and as he is scheduled a new bail hearing, the former point man of Mexican President Calderon negotiates an agreement to serve as a cooperating witness. A top Mexican investigative journalist comments […]
Afro-Mexicans. Also, Merequetengue.
MONDAY, JANUARY 20 PROGRAM # 8785 12:00 PM PT Afro-Mexicans. This program, a Martin Luther King Jr Holiday special, features an interview with a distinguished expert on Afro-Mexican history. He comments on a recent constitutional amendment granting Afro-Mexican peoples new rights, including the right to self-determination and access to government resources for public programs. How […]
Mexico Edition.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 PROGRAM # 8784 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Línea Abierta provides a weekly edition to report and provide analysis on top news developments around Mexico. In this collaboration, Martha Elena Ramírez host of the Voz Pública program in Mexico City, facilitates interviews with newsmakers and calls from listeners. Photo: México a través de […]
(Español) Aprueba el Senado acuerdo comercial entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá
(Español) “Sindicatos se sintieron alentados por el acuerdo, que podría ayudar a evitar que los empleos estadunidenses y canadienses vayan a mercados con salarios más bajos en México o Asia… el 30% de los automóviles deben ser fabricados por trabajadores que ganen 16 dólares por hora, 3 veces el salario en México”.
Ohtli for Martha Cotera.
MONDAY, JANUARY 13 PROGRAM # 8780 12:00 PM PT Ohtli for Martha Cotera. The renowned Chicana feminist historian Martha Cotera was recognized with the Ohtli Award, the highest distinction given by Mexico to those who make outstanding contributions to improve the lives of Mexicans in the US and other countries. In this conversation, Cotera talks […]