
Dump Closed in Tijuana; Problems Remain

But what has happened with families that were affected by the dump? Are they still sick? And has the site been studied to determine the level of toxic substances? Manuel Ocaño reports from the border.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Mexico |

California: Climate Change Epicenter

Jerry Brown spoke to statespeople and businesspeople from around the world, highlighting the role at the forefront that the state has taken with policies like putting a price on carbon emissions and reducing greenhouse gases. We talked about the topic on Linea Abierta. Marco Vinicio González prepared this report.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California: “Epicenter of Climate Change.”

On the eve of a summit of world leaders to work on a climate change agreement in 2015, hundreds of thousands marched in New York City in what is announced as the largest climate change protest on record. California Gov. Brown spoke at the UN conference defending plans to price carbon and emissions and reduce […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Firma gobernador de CA medidas contra el cambio climático

(Español) Ayer domingo Brown firmó varias leyes que fortalecen el mercado de vehículos eléctricos en California el principal mercado del país, y otras medidas contra el cambio climático, una seria amenaza que afecta la humanidad y que el pasado sábado movilizó a centenares de angelinos que se sumaron a los más de 300 mil que ayer domingo demandaron acciones efectivas en histórica movilización en Nueva York, y otras partes del mundo.

Posted in Environment, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Transcurre en NY la mayor protesta de la historia contra el calentamiento global

(Español) “La empresa CGC, de Argentina, con capitales de Norte América (EU) y de Francia. Atacamos a su imagen pública, y bueno, por suerte el gobierno (de Ecuador) hasta horita no ha vuelto a dar una concesión directa dentro de nuestro territorio, solamente dio, casi por descuido 6 mil 790 hectáreas en un territorio sagrado y eso lo estamos poniendo en conocimiento de la corte ( CIDH), como un incumplimiento de la sentencia”.

Posted in Environment, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Latino Eco Festival.

Announced as the world’s largest Latino-themed environmental festival, hundreds gather in Colorado to discuss issues such as clean air, natural foods, protected lands, water stewardship and environmental justice. They also seek to reconnect Latinos with their long history of Green activism. A renowned poet and activist comments on environmental issues affecting Mexico. Guests: Midy Aponte, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Culpan a uso ilegal de basurero de males congénitos y enfermedades crónicas

(Español) Y esta la madre de una bebé con anencefalia: “Nació sin cerebro, y nada más con la mitad del cráneo”.

Posted in Environment, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Agua embotellada proviene de estados con las peores sequías

(Español) Otro asunto es el de la contaminación, pues como se habrá notado, las botellas plásticas vacías y desechadas abundan entre la basura que puede encontrarse en calles, parques públicos, lagos y mares. Y aunque existe un pago de 5 centavos por botella recogida en los sitios de reciclaje, la efectividad de esta política, si puede llamarse así, están a la vista de todos.

Posted in Environment, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Worsening Drought.

California is in its third year of a record drought. The dry spell is becoming so extreme that threatens the state’s drinking water supply. What’s being done to address the drought and secure the water supply? Experts comment about the impact the drought is having on the central valley and the rest of the state, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Dry Wells in California

Now, these residents are organizing to find a more sustainable way to provide water to everyone. Juan Santiago visited the tiny community of Monson, where several families have had their wells run dry.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

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