
(Español) ¿Dónde establecerse para vivir mejor?

(Español) Dentro de la lista de las primeras diez ciudades grandes que a nivel nacional destacan por su calidad de habitabilidad, clasificadas por AARP, son en primer lugar San Francisco, seguida por San José, California. Otras ciudades dentro de esta lista son Seattle, en el estado de Washington, Denver, Colorado, Portland, Oregon, y Albuquerque, Nuevo México.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Families Affected by California Drought Receive Water Tanks

The first to receive one of these tanks were those families who live in rural areas without a potable water system. The small community of Monson was chosen to start this pilot program. Juan Santiago has been following the story.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

From Rock Star to Environment Champion. Also, Monarch Buterflies Dying.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11. PROGRAM # 7472 12:00 PM PT From Rock Star to Environment Champion. The leader of the California Senate, Kevin de León, recognized legendary rock musician Charly Alberti for his efforts to combat global warming, protect the planet, and promote clean and sustainable energies. They comment on those issues. Guests: Charly Alberti, Chairman, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Keystone XL Pipeline Showdown. Also, Islamophobia’s Rise.

The Republican-controlled Congress passed a bill to build the Keystone XL oil pipeline. President Obama has promised to veto it, demanding time to determine whether the project is in the national interest. A top Democrat congressmember comments on this confrontation. Guest: Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Los Angeles, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus. Also, Islamophobia’s Rise. […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Inversión federal y entrenamiento en nueva tecnología contra la sequía (última)

(Español) Se anticipa intervención del gobierno federal para costear los inflados costos del consumo de agua, no sólo para tomar, sino también para la prevención de próximas sequías. El Departamento del Interior anunció una erogación de 50 millones de dólares para hacerle frente a la sequía.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Sequía continúa en California (primera)

(Español) La ciudad de Mendota ha sido una de las ciudades más duramente golpeadas por la sequía. En sus alrededores, más de 200 mil acres se han retirado del cultivo, lo que ha provocado que esta ciudad que antes se anunciaba orgullosamente como ‘la capital del melón’, es hoy la capital de la pobreza.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Drought Continues.

As California enters into a fourth year of drought, the aid is drying up. Local agencies are running out of funds to help farmworkers pay rent or get food, and small communities are having a hard time securing drinking water supplies. In Washington, California congressmembers push a bill to help drought-stricken communities better prepare for […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Drought Aid in California to Evaporate

It’s estimated that thousands of families have benefited, but many still need help, and the funds are about to disappear. Our reporter Juan Santiago has more from Madera, California, one of the counties most affected by the drought.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Fracking Bans. Also, Bullet Train: Breaking Ground.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) will be banned in New York. And recently, in California, in a major defeat to the oil industry, voters in two counties passed fracking bans. An environmental analyst explores the ramifications of these developments. Guests: Javier Sierra, Spokesperson, Sierra Club, Washington, DC. www.sierraclub.org. Also, Bullet […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Teletón for Disabled Children. Also, Global Climate Deals.

This week, the largest Spanish-language TV networks in North America host a telethon to raise millions for children with disabilities. TV personality Don Francisco started the first “teletón” in Chile, a project that is now hosted in Mexico, the US and several Latin American countries. The United Nations has questioned these campaigns, maintaining that the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

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