
Soil Not Oil.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. PROGRAM # 7596 12:00 PM PT Soil Not Oil. Speakers at an international environmental conference titled “Soil Not Oil” join this program to talk about the push for transgenic crops, spearheaded by biotech industry giant Monsanto, the fight for corn in Mexico, and the movement for healthy soils, carbon farming and clean […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Buffer Zones for Pesticides.

MONDAY, AUGUST 24. PROGRAM # 7593 12:00 PM PT Buffer Zones for Pesticides. Hazardous agricultural pesticides are sprayed near hundreds of public schools in California. Exposure to pesticide vapors and dust can have serious risks of cancer, autism, asthma and learning disorders in kids. Latino schoolchildren are most at risk of exposure to fumigants and […]

Posted in Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Climate Change Action.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. PROGRAM # 7580 12:00 PM PT Climate Change Action. Leading lawmakers and advocates in California are stepping up efforts in support of a package of state bills to reduce greenhouse emissions and tackle air pollution and climate change. The bills seek to reduce fossil fuels use and increase renewable energy to new […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Drinking Fountains Installed to Fight Obesity

Concerned about the lack of clean drinking water in many rural areas of California, a coalition of organizations is installing drinking fountains of filtered water in certain communities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Environment, Health |

The Pope’s Call on Climate. Ahold USA Signs on to Fair Food Program.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 29. PROGRAM # 7575 12:00 PM PT The Pope’s Call on Climate. Faith leaders from California’s San Joaquin Valley who attended the World Meeting of Popular Movements in Bolivia met in Fresno to discuss Pope Francis’ call to action on climate change. This agricultural valley has the state’s worst air pollution and asthma […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Monarch Butterfly and Vaquita Marina.

THURSDAY, JULY 23. PROGRAM # 7571 12:00 PM PT Monarch Butterfly and Vaquita Marina. The Vaquita is considered the most endangered marine mammal in the world and lives in the Gulf of California. Due to overfishing, today there are less than 100 vaquitas in the world. Likewise, the monarch butterfly population, that used to be […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

The Sixth Mass Extinction.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 8. PROGRAM # 7560 12:00 PM PT The Sixth Mass Extinction. Scientists are warning that we are now entering a great mass extinction of animals and plants comparable to the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. The landmark study by an international group of scientists reveals that the Earth is entering into the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Trabajadores latinos enfermos, legado de desaparecida compañía fundidora de Texas

(Español) “Ellos decían que les gustaba trabajar ahí porque querían un trabajo que pagaba muy bien y con eso podían alimentar a sus familias y vivir una vida mejor. Sin embargo, ahora ellos están sufriendo en carne propia enfermedades muy pesadas y muy dolorosas”, sostiene la abogada.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Oil Spill and Fracking.

THURSDAY, JUNE 4. PROGRAM # 7536 12:00 PM PT California Oil Spill and Fracking. An oil pipeline ruptured and spilled more than 100 thousand gallons of oil along the Pacific coastline near Santa Barbara. California Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency to help clean up the toxic spill. Residents in the disaster area are […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Drought and Water Rationing.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. PROGRAM # 7530 12:00 PM PT Drought and Water Rationing. Facing perhaps the worst drought in known California history, Gov. Brown ordered the first mandatory statewide water rationing for cities. State officials discuss how the region is coping with the water crisis and preparing to conserve water, disaster relief measures, and help […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

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