
Zika Virus Outbreak. Also, Massive Lead Contamination.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8. PROGRAM # 7713 12:00 PM PT Zika Virus Outbreak. The Zika virus is now a global health emergency. Puerto Rico and parts of Florida have declared a state of emergency due to the rapid spread of the outbreak of this virus, which is associated with brain damage in newborns. Now the first […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Iowa: The Results. Also, Flint’s Humanitarian Crisis.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. PROGRAM # 7709 12:00 PM PT Iowa: The Results. On the day after the Iowa caucus, analysts report on the voter turnout and the results. They also comment on this first major test and the challenges ahead for the presidential candidates. Guests: Tarsicio Macías, President, Hola América News, Des Moines, IA; Christian […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

A Global Climate Agreement?

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. PROGRAM # 7670 12:00 PM PT A Global Climate Agreement? International climate change talks conclude this week in Paris, with analysts warning that the pace of progress towards a landmark global climate pact has been slow. Who is most responsible for the carbon dioxide warming problem? And what’s the plan for climate […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Paris Climate Summit.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30. PROGRAM # 7663 12:00 PM PT Paris Climate Summit. Starting today, world leaders meet in Paris in the UN Climate Conference, expecting to get for the first time a major global deal to curb global warming. The Conference of the Parties is divided about who is responsible to cut emissions of greenhouse […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Conservation Farming.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. PROGRAM # 7656 12:00 PM PT Conservation Farming. An interview with a farmer who won national recognition for innovative conservation agriculture practices. He moved from conventional farming, heavy on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, to using cover crops, less water, less diesel and strip-tillage. The results: improved soil health and crops of higher […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Polluters Money Helps Clean Communities. Also, New National Monument.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 12. PROGRAM # 7628 12:00 PM PT Polluters Money Helps Clean Communities. Under the Global Warming Solutions law of 2006, California created a cap-and-trade program to charge major polluters for their carbon emissions and help pay for projects that reduce pollution. A second law mandated that at least 25% of that fund go […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Environment |

Wage Theft, Air Pollution.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. PROGRAM # 7620 12:00 PM PT Wage Theft, Air Pollution. Warning that companies that pollute the air are the same ones that cheat the workers, labor and environmental groups are joining forces to push for laws, currently pending in Sacramento, that help workers recover earnings lost to wage theft and reduce oil […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) El Papa en la ONU, medio ambiente y exclusión III

(Español) “Vencer cuanto antes el fenómeno de la exclusión social y económica, con sus tristes consecuencias de trata de seres humanos, comercio de órganos y tejidos humanos, explotación sexual de niños y niñas, trabajo esclavo, incluyendo la prostitución, el tráfico de drogas y de armas, el terrorismo y el crimen internacional organizado”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Parks for All.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. PROGRAM # 7611 12:00 PM PT Parks for All. Latino residents in rural areas around the nation live in neighborhoods that are poor in parks and green space, and urban greenery is associated with health benefits. In Fresno, CA, a city among the lowest-ranking in a national study on access to parks, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

California Legislative Review.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. PROGRAM # 7606 12:00 PM PT California Legislative Review. A landmark bill to fight climate change by reducing gas consumption was gutted, leaving vulnerable communities and children at greater risk of asthma attacks and other ills from toxic smog. Also, a bill named SB 4 or Health for All Children, which would […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

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