
(Español) California a la vanguardia con la firma de histórica ley para reducir el cambio climático

(Español) “Hoy es un día de orgullo para California. Juntos redoblamos nuestro compromiso de liderazgo climático global y la construcción de la economía de energía limpia del futuro, garantizando al mismo tiempo la justicia ambiental, por lo que todos los californianos se benefician de nuestras políticas sobre el clima.”: Kevin De León.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Sequía espolea a vecinos a organizarse para conseguir agua

(Español) Por medio de esta consulta se trata de conocer la cantidad de agua que demandarían los nuevos usuarios y asegurar suficientes fondos para todos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Rascuache Bicycling.

MONDAY, AUGUST 22 PROGRAM # 7862 12:00 PM PST. Rascuache Bicycling. While cities have been designed for car traffic and parking, a growing number of local governments are including bikes in new urban plans. And while many see bicycle commuting as a sport for White middle class elites, some cities are starting to recognize that […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) En defensa del agua de los yaquis, y sustentabilidad alimentaria en Cuba

(Español) “En el momento que colapsa la Unión Soviética, Cuba se vio, como sin luz, porque fue un momento que en Cuba fuimos a dormir ricos, y nos levantamos pobres”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

The Waters of Wrath. Also, Organic Farming in Cuba.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 PROGRAM # 7859 12:00 PM PT The Waters of Wrath. A leader of the Yaqui tribe in Northern Mexico visits California to speak about the major Yaqui River land grab behind the development of the aqueduct to reroute the waters of the formerly mighty river to Hermosillo. Contrary to official accounts, the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Mexico, Politics |

Delaying Fight Against Zika.

MONDAY, AUGUST 8 PROGRAM # 7852 12:00 PM PST. Delaying Fight Against Zika. The first cases of mosquito-transmitted Zika infection were reported in South Florida, ground zero of the Zika outbreak. Health experts warn there might be many cases of locally acquired infection in many states, especially around the Gulf. Still, the US Congress went […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Yaquis Fight for their River

The traditional authorities of the Yaqui indigenous tribe, in the north of Mexico, say the construction of a mega-aqueduct will leave the Yaqui River dry and their people without their ancestral sustenance. In retaliation for defending his people’s water rights, one prominent Yaqui leader spent a year in prison

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Lucha centenaria por el agua

(Español) Se espera que este desvío masivo de aguas terminará por secar el ya de por sí casi seco río que ha sido sustento de la nación Yaqui a lo largo de su historia, advierten las autoridades tradicionales del referido pueblo indígena.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Children Play on Capitol Hill to Stop Climate Change

This week, members of the group Moms Clean Air Force made their voices heard in Congress, with a unique demonstration of music and games. They were trying to call attention to the importance of clean air and environmental conservation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Soil Not Oil.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 PROGRAM # 7829 12:00 PM PT Soil Not Oil. Speakers at an international environmental conference titled “Soil Not Oil” join this program. Guest: Diana Donlon, Cool Foods Campaign Director, Center for Food Safety, San Francisco, CA; Andres Soto, Community Organizer, Comunidades por un Medio Ambiente Mejor, Member, Alianza Progresista de Richmond, Richmond, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

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