
(Español) Revocan reglas de autos limpios pero California y otros estados contraatacan

(Español) Trump propone congelar requisitos de niveles de emisiones exigidos a la industria automotriz antes de las regulaciones impuestas por el gobierno de Obama, y dejarlos así hasta 2026.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Rollback of Clean Car Rules. Also, Smoke from Wildfires: Health Alerts.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 PROGRAM # 8399 12:00 PM PT Rollback of Clean Car Rules. The Trump administration is proposing to rollback landmark federal clean car and fuel economy standards. About 20 state Attorney Generals are countering with legal challenges, stating the new plans will cause people to breathe dirtier air and pay higher gas prices. […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Breathing ‘A Chore’: California Wildfires Threaten The Health Of Young And Old

Kimberly McCoy, who lives in Fresno, has seen that firsthand. She and her son both have asthma, and she said her chest feels tight and her son has been wheezing. McCoy said she hasn’t let her son outdoors in recent days. “That’s really hard for an active 6-year-old,” she said.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Incendios en California rompen récord histórico como los más destructivos

(Español) Jerry Brown pidió ayuda a Trump esperando que lo hiciera como en otras ocasiones. Pero el presidente en tuit dijo que los incendios forestales se ven agravados por “malas leyes ambientales que no permiten que se utilicen cantidades masivas de agua fácilmente disponible… porque se desvían hacia el Océano Pacífico”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Mitigating Oil Wells Pollution.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 PROGRAM # 8388 12:00 PM PT Mitigating Oil Wells Pollution. Facing strong opposition from oil industry giants, a small farm working town in the third largest oil-producing county in the country, revamped an ordinance to place new restrictions on where oil wells can be drilled. The new regulations, the first ones since […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |
Una residente del Valle Central de California muestra impuridades en su agua potable. Foto: Community Water Center via Facebook

Tax on Drinking Water Proposed in California

Up to half a million people in hundreds of poor communities throughout California are forced to drink unhealthy contaminated water or buy bottled water despite low income. In response, activists and residents in affected areas are backing a bill that would impose a state tax on the use of water.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics, Health |

Of Pesticides and Safe Drinking Water.

THURSDAY, JUNE 28 PROGRAM # 8369 12:00 PM PT Of Pesticides and Safe Drinking Water. Community leaders from California’s Central Valley discuss efforts to limit pesticide spraying around schools, daycare centers, and homes, and comment on recent news on the debate surrounding the widely used and highly toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, including Hawaii’s recent ban, becoming […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Latino Group Celebrates 25 Years of Denouncing Racial Segregation

Redlining is the term for a discriminatory practice historically used by banks to deny mortgage loans in neighborhoods inhabited by people of color.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Más 4 mil muertos relacionados al Huracán María en Puerto Rico, y no 64 como dice el gobierno federal

(Español) La interrupción del cuidado médico en los mayores y la pérdida de servicios básicos en enfermos crónicos , “que cayeron en el caos después del paso de María, y destruyeron la red eléctrica tuvieron un impacto significativo en la población y la infraestructura”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Demandan a EPA por no proteger la salud de campesinos y si los beneficios corporativos

(Español) “Esta es una más de las 85 demandas que Earthjustice ha presentado en contra de la Administración Trump y su EPA, que en diciembre anunció su intención de desmantelar las salvaguardas federales para pesticidas”, dijo la organización de derecho ambiental.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

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