
Hazard Alerts for Pesticide Spraying.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 PROGRAM # 9914 12:00 PM PT Hazard Alerts for Pesticide Spraying. As the state of California develops a system that will notify schools and people when a hazardous pesticide is sprayed in neighboring farms, two journalists set out to report on the dramatic human toll that pesticide exposure is having on farm […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Could Virtual Alerts Reduce Pesticide Hazards in California’s Fields?

Every year, California sprays millions of pounds of pesticides on its agricultural fields that are harmful to health. Farm workers and rural residents are the most exposed to the chemicals, and primarily Latinos and other ethnic groups.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Environment |

California Native Americans and Farm Workers Unite on Water and Land

In the deserts of Southern California, an unprecedented alliance is forming to make better use of water in times of extreme drought. Organized farmworkers and Native American leaders are joining forces with a private nonprofit to serve communities deprived of clean water and find new ways to farm amid the threat of climate change.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Environment, Mexico |

Native Americans and Farmworkers Partner for New Farming.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 PROGRAM # 9903 12:00 PM PT Native Americans and Farmworkers Partner for New Farming. Organized farm workers and Native American leaders are coming together in a cooperative partnership with a private water-management company to make water available for agriculture, housing, economic development and other uses for disadvantaged communities in an arid area […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Protests Over Latino Activist’s Death at the Hands of Atlanta Police –

The police killing of a young activist who was protesting the construction of a huge police training center in Atlanta has sparked violent demonstrations in the city. Authorities claim that the slain environmental activist, Manuel Esteban Páez, a Venezuelan immigrant fired a gun as police were clearing out the camp where they were protesting.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Environment |

Extra Edition: California Storm Damage.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 PROGRAM # 9897 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: California Storm Damage. Communities around California are devastated after a three-week series of winter storms. President Biden visited the disaster area and vowed to help residents rebuild. This is a report on the recovery efforts. Photo: Bob Dass via Flickr For more information about Linea Abierta click here […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Petroleras predijeron el calentamiento global en los ‘70 pero se embarcaron en “un sabotaje planetario”

(Español) “Incluso a dichos científicos que alcanzaron tan preocupantes conclusiones, “los han llevado a las cortes, acusándolos ¡de difamación!”, por publicar las mismas conclusiones a las que llegaron los propios científicos de Exxon en la década de 1970”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Exxon Predicted Global Warming. Are Gas Stoves Safe? Limits on Soot Pollution.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 PROGRAM # 9896 12:00 PM PT Exxon Predicted Global Warming. A recent study showed that ExxonMobil’s own climate research accurately predicted the pace and severity of global warming. Despite that information, the company chose to publicly cast doubt for decades on climate science findings, including UN-sponsored research. UN leaders say “big oil […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

House Refuses to Raise Debt Ceiling, Nation Faces a Crisis

This week, the United States reached its national debt ceiling, and if Congress fails to reach a deal, the economy could go into crisis. Congress usually authorizes raising the debt limit.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Response.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 PROGRAM # 9887 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Response. In California, millions of people have been under evacuation orders or warnings due to heavy rains and widespread floods. A news contributor reports on the plight of the town of Planada and other Central Valley communities that have been under flood […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

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