(Español) “Épica” inundación en Pájaro, California: río atmosférico, destrucción y evacuaciones
(Español) “Las agencias estatales están trabajando para unificar un enfoque a fin de comprender y abordar la equidad y la justicia social a través de programas de manejo de inundaciones”.
Student Debt Relief in Limbo. How to Stay Insured After Covid Benefits End. Building a Climate Resilient Community.
THURSDAY, MARCH 9 PROGRAM # 9940 12:00 PM PT Student Debt Relief in Limbo. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared skeptical of President Biden’s plan for student loan forgiveness after hearing arguments last week. More than 16 million have been approved for relief, but the benefit has been on hold due to legal challenges from […]
(Español) Advierten de nuevos ríos atmosféricos o bandas de fuertes lluvia para el Valle de San Joaquín
(Español) “Se pronostica que la tormenta fluvial atmosférica golpeará fuertemente el lado este del condado de Fresno, y se espera que caigan hasta 8 pulgadas sobre las colinas y cerca de 6 pies de nieve en elevaciones superiores a los 9 mil pies de altura”.
(Español) Afectados por inundaciones en Planada, CA, esperan ayuda de FEMA, local y estatal
(Español) Piense que “estamos aquí, ahora; vaya y visítenos, ahora. Ahora mismo abrimos un Centro de Recuperación por Desastres, en el estacionamiento del Centro Comunitario de Planada; porque necesitaban un centro más cercano del que tenían”.
Water Rights and Special Interests. Also, Saving and Managing Water.
MONDAY, MARCH 6 PROGRAM # 9935 12:00 PM PT Water Rights and Special Interests. California farm operators are still 90% White and this reality in California’s water rights system impacts the water flows of the SF Bay-Delta. According to watchdogs, these special interests are determining the Delta tunnel project and leaving tribes and communities of […]
Colorado Water Plan Falls short, Community Leaders Say
Despite extraordinary snowfall this winter in the mountains that feed the Colorado River, all indications suggest that the river basin will continue to dry up, exacerbated by the climate crisis. In response, the Colorado Water Conservation Board unanimously approved a comprehensive plan following a year of public discussions.
Extra Edition: FEMA Asked to Accelerate Emergency Assistance. Also, The Future of Agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley.
THURSDAY, MARCH 2 PROGRAM # 9932 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: FEMA Asked to Accelerate Emergency Assistance. Thousands of farmworker’s homes in the city of Planada were seriously damaged by flooding caused by severe winter storms. Weeks after the devastation and with the threat of new rain, many residents complain that help from the Federal […]
28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9928 12:00 PM PT 28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta. Línea Abierta is the first and only national, live, Spanish-language call-in show in U.S. public broadcasting, and on February 25, it completed its 28th year. Radio Bilingüe launched Línea Abierta in 1995 to fill the void in public and commercial media […]
(Español) Perdieron su casa con las inundaciones, y FEMA no dio la ayuda que prometió
(Español) “Al llegar a la casa de mi mamá estaba lloviendo, le avisé que tenía que evacuar, y luego comencé tocar como 15 puertas de los vecinos… mi papá tiene demencia… y al dejarlo en el carro, cuando regresé por él ya no estaba, se había bajado del carro y se nos perdió, y lo encontré en un vecindario que no conocía, en la oscuridad”.
Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Aid.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 PROGRAM # 9915 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Flood Disaster Aid. Heavy winter storms in December and January caused levees to break and rivers to overflow in the San Joaquin Valley and Pajaro Valley, flooding thousands of farm working homes. Those rural communities suffered tens of millions of dollars in damage. Are […]