
Extra Edition: Latinos in Community Colleges. Además, Banning Chlorpyrifos.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 PROGRAM # 9360 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Latinos in Community Colleges. As a record number of Latino students are headed to college in the fall enrollment season, many are looking into community colleges as a viable option to continue higher education. College leaders are reaching out to Latino students highlighting the […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Communities Responding to Emergencies.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 PROGRAM # 9361 12:00 PM PDT Communities Responding to Emergencies. Raging wildfires in California are engulfing mountain towns in flames, covering skies with huge clouds of smoke, and forcing first responders to operate in crisis mode. How can families and communities prepare for emergencies? How can vulnerable communities build collective resiliency? How […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Climate Crisis is a Test of Political Will, Says Environmental Leader –

The devastation caused by global warming is moving so fast and on such a large scale that the United Nations has issued a code red to humanity. Most of the changes are irreversible, but the worst can still be avoided if greenhouse gases are drastically reduced, UN scientists warn.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Environment |

As Temperatures Rise, So Do the Health Risks for California’s Farmworkers

El calor es la principal causa de muerte relacionada con el clima en Estados Unidos. Entre 1992 y 2017, el estrés por calor mató a 815 trabajadores estadunidenses y lesionó gravemente a más de 70,000, según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment, Health |

(Español) “Crónica de una muerte anunciada”, nuevo informe de la ONU sobre cambio climático

(Español) Los hornos del mundo están quemando 2 mil millones de toneladas de carbón al ano, y al mezclarse con el oxígeno agrega 7 mil millones de toneladas de bióxido de carbono a la atmósfera.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Dixie provoca apagones y evacuaciones en condados del norte de California esta tarde

(Español) Hasta el momento, un total de mil 180 estructuras han sido destruidas, incluidas 630 casas, dice Cal Fire. Y que la destrucción continúa aumentando a medida que los equipos de inspección de daños siguen inspeccionando el área.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Extra Edition: Wildfires and Covid – A Repeat.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 PROGRAM # 9350 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Wildfires and Covid – A Repeat. As the nation recovers from the pandemic, the wildfires that ravage California and Western states are making people more vulnerable to Covid. Exposure to smoke pollution increases the risk of contracting Covid. A researcher discusses his findings and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

“Code Red for Humanity.”

MONDAY, AUGUST 16 PROGRAM # 9349 12:00 PM PDT “Code Red for Humanity.” UN scientists are warning that global warming is fastly worsening, the world is running out of time, and humans are “unequivocally” to blame. “The alarm bells are deafening,” they say. What are the takeaways of the UN report? What are the foreseeable […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Arde como nunca el Oeste de Estados Unidos mientras algunos se niegan a evacuar

(Español) Los bomberos lucharon contra el incendio de Dixie en California y un nuevo incendio en Parleys Canyon en Utah mientras las temperaturas abrasadoras continuaban horneando el oeste de Estados Unidos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Infrastructure Plans Bring Historic Investment to Fight Climate Change, Says Energy Secretary

This week, a United Nations report on global warming offered a dire forecast. Climate change is worsening at a rapid pace and humanity is running out of time.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

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