
World Climate Summit.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM # 9432 12:00 PM PDT World Climate Summit. World leaders gather in Glasgow, Scotland for the 26th UN Climate Conference to talk about ways to tackle climate change and reduce global carbon emissions to net zero. Latinos in the US and Latin America and the Caribbean have been among the hardest […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Infrastructure Vote Postponed Due to Divisions Among Democrats

Despite President Joe Biden’s call for unity to deliver a social infrastructure plan before he travels to the climate summit, his ambitious economic agenda remains adrift. While making progress, there are still deep divisions between conservative and progressive Democrats on social spending.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment |

California’s Drought Emergency. Also, California Moves to Ban Oil Wells.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 PROGRAM # 9425 12:00 PM PDT California’s Drought Emergency. As California went through its driest year in almost 100 years, Gov. Newsom expanded the drought emergency to the entire state. With water reservoirs draining and water supplies for major cities drying, the governor asked Californians to do more to save water. What […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Primero fuego, luego cenizas e inundaciones. ¿Alguien duda del Cambio Climático?

(Español) “Es posible que se produzcan deslizamientos de tierra, desprendimientos de rocas y escombros… Las carreteras pueden volverse intransitables durante este evento de tormenta… No intente cruzar un flujo de escombros. Refúgiese en el piso más alto de su casa”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Calentamiento global y reforestación: acuerdos en encuentro López Obrador – Kerry

Kerry and López Obrador Meet on Global Warming and Reforestation – This week, U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry arrived in Mexico on a whirlwind visit amid a heated debate over a proposed electricity reform presented by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) California declara estado de emergencia y ordena ahorrar el agua por la sequía

(Español) La investigación científica ha demostrado que “el calentamiento del planeta con la quema de combustibles fósiles está intensificando las sequías en Occidente y reduciendo los caudales de los ríos más allá de las disminuciones que hubieran experimentado sin el calentamiento global”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Strengthens Insurance Protections for Wildfire Victims

(Español) “Estamos haciendo varias cosas para poder no sólo mantener estas pólizas, sino para que planeen para proteger sus propiedades cuando venga el siguiente incendio forestal”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Climate Crisis, Infrastructure Bill: Too Expensive? Also, Oil Spill, Oil Drilling and Asthma.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 PROGRAM # 9409 12:00 PM PDT Climate Crisis, Infrastructure Bill: Too Expensive? Congress continues to negotiate the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, a plan dismissed by some as an expensive “social spending” bill and lauded by many as a transformational investment in the nation’s families, education, and response to the disasters of the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Smoke from Fires Alerts. Wildfire Risk Insurance. Battling Massive Oil Spill.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 PROGRAM # 9406 12:00 PM PDT Smoke from Fires Alerts. The devastating wildfires burning on the slopes of the Sequoia parks have enveloped the San Joaquin Valley in a thick cloud of smoke, causing dangerous levels of air pollution. Authorities continue alerting people when air quality is poor, prompting many to cancel […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Alertan sobre la peligrosa calidad del aire que se respira en el Valle de San Joaquín

(Español) Debido a los incendios que arrasan los bosques de la zona serrana, las ciudades del Valle de San Joaquín están en Alerta Roja por su Índice de Calidad del Aire, que actualmente se ubica entre 150 y 200.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

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