
(Español) Familias latinas en Washington devastadas por río atmosférico esperan la ayuda estatal

Latino Families Devastated by Storms in Washington Await State Assistance – Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has declared a state of emergency after an unexpected storm in recent weeks caused strong winds, torrential rains and the overflowing of the Nooksack River.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) California no protegió a trabajadores al aire libre del humo de los incendios forestales bajo nuevo jefe de OSHA con Biden

(Español) La mísera aplicación de la ley estatal sobre el humo no es más que el último ejemplo de la lentitud de la agencia a la hora de actuar sobre las normativas que responden a las crisis agravadas por el cambio climático.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Environment, Health, Jobs |

First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 PROGRAM # 9451 12:00 PM PDT First Ranking Alerts for Heat Waves. As extreme heat waves worsen every year, causing more deaths and injuries than all other extreme weather events, California leaders are taking action to stop this “silent killer”. State leaders are proposing to establish the nation’s first ranking system for […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

Infrastructure Bill Done: What’s Next? Also, Frontline Communities in Charge of Climate Action.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 PROGRAM # 9444 12:00 PM PDT Infrastructure Bill Done: What’s Next? President Biden is expected to sign into law the bipartisan infrastructure bill and Speaker Pelosi expects the US House to pass the Build Back Better package at any moment this week. The bill continues being widely popular, but faces headwinds in […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) EE UU bloquearía nuevos arrendamientos a perforaciones cerca de sitio nativo americano

(Español) La primera Secretaria de gabinete de procedencia nativo americana en la historia de Estados Unidos, la secretaria del Interior, Deb Haaland promulgará el nuevo plan para proteger el área alrededor del Cañón del Chaco.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Comisionado de Seguros de CA anuncia 1ra clasificación de olas de calor en EE UU

(Español) “No hay seguro contra el calor. Si actuamos ahora para implementar un sistema de clasificación como el que tenemos para otros desastres, podemos ayudar a prevenir las muertes de este asesino silencioso, especialmente de aquellos en mayor riesgo como nuestros ancianos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

Global Warming Funds in Spending Bill in the Crosshairs

With the infrastructure spending bill passed by Congress, the focus now moves to the social spending package that includes record investments to fight global warming.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Cada vez más cara y profunda el agua para agricultores de California, por la sequía

(Español) Ahora va a perforar un pozo nuevo, que le va costar 60 mil dólares, obtuvo un fondo del gobierno para perforarlo a una profundidad de 120 pies. Su huerto está ubicado enseguida de una corporación grande, que tiene un pozo que alcanza más de mil pies.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Build Back Better Bill, World Climate Summit.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 PROGRAM # 9439 12:00 PM PDT Build Back Better Bill, World Climate Summit. Democrats passed last week a historic infrastructure package but continue struggling to pass a major bill on social spending and climate change. The infrastructure bill is scheduled to be signed into law by President Biden next week, when the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Extra Edition: Overpumping is Depleting Groundwater.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 PROGRAM # 9438 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Overpumping is Depleting Groundwater. Due to the drought crisis, water in California’s Central Valley is in short supply and some areas are running out of water. As groundwater levels have dropped due to deeper groundwater pumping, small farmers struggle to maintain their livelihoods. A […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

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