
The Deep Freeze and the Deadly Carbon Monoxide. Also, Winter Home Fires.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 PROGRAM #9507 12:00 PM PT The Deep Freeze and the Deadly Carbon Monoxide. The Texas power crisis in February set off the worst carbon monoxide poisoning in recent history. Blacks and Latinos took a disproportionate toll of this epidemic. And while Texas finally passed a new law to require carbon monoxide alarms […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

No Latinos in the Movies. (Repeat).

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 PROGRAM # 9500 12:00 PM PT No Latinos in the Movies. (Repeat). Latino movie stars played a leading role the night of the Oscars. But aside from filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, most served as presenters. The critics also warn that despite Los Angeles being home to the film and television industry and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. Also, Emergency Alerts in Spanish.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 PROGRAM # 9494 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. A drier and warmer winter is in the forecast for the Pacific Southwest, which means that the two-year drought will continue affecting the region. As farmers drill deeper wells and deplete groundwater, California is preparing for more […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) ‘Éramos pocos, y parió la abuela’: los incendios en Colorado

(Español) La profundidad de la necesidad es honda después de que el incendio Marshall quemó unas 991 estructuras, desplazando a miles de personas. Agencias gubernamentales y grupos inmobiliarios se están movilizando para llenar la brecha en una comunidad donde las viviendas ya escasean.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Environment |

(Español) Manchin vs BBB para proteger sus intereses como fundador y accionista de Enersystems

(Español) “Manchin fundó una correduría de carbón privada en 1998 llamada “Enersystems”. Y aunque actualmente está dirigida por su hijo, “Manchin todavía posee una participación haí de 5 millones de dólares, obteniendo 500 mil en ingresos sólo en 2020”.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Environment |

Worker Protections against Wildfire Smoke Blocked in California

The California Legislature scrapped a bill this year that would have allowed labor inspectors to visit farming fields during wildfire emergencies to ensure that employers follow rules protecting workers from the toxic smoke.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Environment, Health, Jobs |

(Español) Sequía amenaza a California mientras el gobierno auncia cero asignaciones de agua

(Español) “El agua potable utilizada por la industria del petróleo y el gas podría llegar a dar miles de billones de galones a las familias que la necesitan en sus hogares… El agua es un derecho humano”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Environment, Politics |

Drought and Corporate Water Abuse.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 9472 12:00 PM PDT Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. A drier and warmer winter is in the forecast for the Pacific Southwest, which means that the two-year drought will continue affecting the region. As farmers drill deeper wells and deplete groundwater, California is preparing for more water restrictions and cutting […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Los mayores tornados registrados que azotaron 6 estados dejan un alto número de muertes en el sur y el Medio Oeste de EE UU

(Español) El gobernador Beshaer instó a la población a obtener la ayuda que necesiten. “Cuídese y continuaremos brindando actualizaciones… No iremos a ninguna parte. Vamos a estar contigo hoy, vamos a estar contigo mañana”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Has Safeguards for Workers Exposed to Smoke from Fires, But Do they Work?

California claims some of the strictest protections for farm and outdoor workers in valleys that have been filled with toxic smoke and ash from recent wildfires. But these rules are rarely enforced and few employers are inspected and sanctioned, calling into question their effectiveness.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment, Health |

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