
A Hot, Dry and Burning West.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 9689 12:00 PM PT A Hot, Dry and Burning West. The U.S. West is experiencing another summer of extreme heat, droughts, wildfires and smoke, destructive events that are all escalating because of climate change. After two years of devastating summers, the forecasts for new major disasters are ominous. Summer used […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) Calor extremo, sequía y advertencias de peligro, el signo de los tiempos

(Español) “Los miembros de la comunidad tuvieron que racionar sus botellas de agua de emergencia y soportar el calor abrasador ya que los enfriadores de agua de su casa no funcionaban… hay personas mayores y discapacitadas, luchando para soportar el calor extremo mientras esperan en la fila para la distribución de agua”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Servicio meteorológico echa andar las luces de alerta por las olas de calor

(Español) Esta semana Estados Unidos podría enfrentar los días más cálidos de un año ya de por sí abrasador. Poco más de una de cada cinco personas en el país, particularmente en el sur o el suroeste y en toda la Costa Oeste verá o sentirán índices muy peligrosos de calor.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) California rebasaría 110 grados Fahrenheit mientras colapsa la agenda climática de Biden

(Español) Partes del suroeste y del valle central se preparan para temperaturas superiores a los 110 grados esta semana. La ciudad de Tulsa por ejemplo, ya ha experimentado más días por encima de dicha temperatura este verano.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

With More Heat Waves at the Border, More Migrant Deaths Expected

Climate change is making the U.S. southwest one of the fastest warming regions in the country. This has a pronounced effect on border communities. Environmental and human rights groups are sounding the alarm, warning that as heat waves increase along the border

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Environment |

Drought and Water Supply; Wildfire Season.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 PROGRAM # 9682 12:00 PM PT Drought and Water Supply; Wildfire Season. As the historic drought worsens, unregulated industries turn to open new agricultural wells and over pumping groundwater, threatening the water supplies for disadvantaged communities. To protect the stressed aquifers and communities, Gov. Newsom released an executive, drought-emergency order, requiring new […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Tóxicas columnas de humo del incendio Washburn en Yosemite, con árboles de hasta 3 mil años de edad

(Español) El incendio Washburn había quemado alrededor de 2 mil acres en el Parque Nacional Yosemite. Aproximadamente 300 de esas acres se encuentran en Mariposa Grove, donde hay árboles gigantes de secuoyas, algunos de ellos de 3 mil años de edad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Amid Emergency Services Staffing Crisis, Congress Drags its Feet

Emergency medical responders are facing a crisis-level shortage of personnel and equipment to fight growing fires and disasters, exacerbated by the pandemic and climate change.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Jobs |

Extra Edition: Combating Deadly Heat Threat in the Fields (Program Repeat.)

THURSDAY, JULY 7 PROGRAM # 9676 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Combating Deadly Heat Threat in the Fields (Program Repeat.) Millions are under heat watches as a dangerous heat wave is warming the fields throughout the US South and Southwest. Exacerbated by climate change, temperatures for this summer season are expected to be worse than […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health, Jobs |

Latinos Receive Nation’s Highest Civilian Honor. Also, Supreme Court Ties EPA’s Hands on Pollution.

THURSDAY, JULY 7 PROGRAM # 9677 12:00 PM PT Latinos Receive Nation’s Highest Civilian Honor. President Biden is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, to Raúl Yzaguirre, Julieta García, and others. Civil rights advocate Yzaguirre led for 30 years the National Council of la Raza, now known as UnidosUS, and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

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