Extra Edition: Rise in Suicides (Program Repeat.)
TUESDAY, APRIL 5 PROGRAM # 9582 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Rise in Suicides (Program Repeat.) While the US suicide rates are falling, more and more Latino men are dying by suicide. Also, more children are feeling thoughts of suicide due to instances of family instability such as divorce, parent depression, substance abuse or school […]
(Español) Cierran escuela públicas mientras abren charter schools en barrios principalmente latinos en Colorado
(Español) “El Distrito no es transparente, ni involucra en los procesos a la comunidad hispana, que va a ser la más impactada”.
Debunking Myths on Children’s Mental Health.
THURSDAY, MARCH 31 PROGRAM # 9579 12:00 PM PT Debunking Myths on Children’s Mental Health. A medical expert on Covid and youth mental health debunks coronavirus myths and addresses parents concerns on the mental health of their children. What are the effects of the pandemic on children’s mental health? Does wearing a mask cause anxiety […]
Transition Care for Kids Under Fire in Texas. Also, “Don’t Say Gay” Bills.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 PROGRAM # 9570 12:00 PM PT Transition Care for Kids Under Fire in Texas. Despite legal setbacks, Texas is moving ahead with a plan to investigate parents who get health care for their transgender youth over possible child abuse. Will Texas make illegal to have a transgender child? “Don’t Say Gay” Bills. […]
(Español) Leyes contra teoría crítica de la raza crean confusión y autocensura en maestros
(Español) “La capacidad de debatir ideas, incluso aquellas que algunos pueden encontrar incómodas, es una parte crucial de nuestra democracia… todo joven tiene derecho a aprender una historia inclusiva y completa en las escuelas, libre de censura o discriminación”.
As Moratorium on Student Debt Looms, Calls for Loan Forgiveness
We are about a hundred days away from the expiration of the moratorium on student loan payments. Although President Biden offered during his campaign to forgive up to ten thousand dollars for the debt of each student, it’s not clear he will keep his promise.
Wave of Early Retirements Expected among Latino Teachers
Suffering from pandemic-related stress and lack of classroom resources, Latino teachers are considering leaving the profession in greater numbers than their white colleagues, according to a recent survey of the nation’s teachers.
(Español) Reprueban a Texas y elevan a California en materia de leyes estrictas contra la violencia letal
(Español) “Estamos viendo cuántas personas en cada 100 mil pierden la vida por la violencia de armas de fuego en las calles de cada estado”.
(Español) Beca para estudiantes indocumentados, graduados de Preparatoria o Colegio Comunitario
(Español) Ayuda para inmigrantes indocumentados con ganas de superación académica, ofrece la Beca Nacional para Graduados de Preparatoria y de Colegio Comunitario, pero sólo tienes 6 días para solicitarla, o hasta este 28 de febrero.
Extra Edition: Climbing Up the Ladder. (Program Repeat.) Also, School Closures.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 PROGRAM # 9533 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Climbing Up the Ladder. (Program Repeat.) The top ten schools with the most economic mobility are Hispanic-Serving Institutions in California, New York and Texas. Low-income students who graduate from these public colleges and universities are more likely to move up to the middle class. […]