
Massacre and Despair in Uvalde: “What are we doing?” –

In the aftermath of the massacre of 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, many parents are living in fear: they fear for their children and for the future.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

(Español) Advierten autoridades de salud sobre los Monkeypox, y una rara hepatitis en niños

(Español) La causa más común de esta hepatitis es una infección con uno de los cinco virus, conocidos como hepatitis A, B, C, D y E. El consumo excesivo de alcohol también puede causar este mal enlos adultos, al igual que ciertas sustancias químicas y el uso excesivo de medicamentos comunes, como el paracetamol.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

(Español) ¿Son masacres escolares de menores en Estados Unidos una nueva normalidad?

(Español) El pistolero del tiroteo en la escuela de Texas publicó sus planes en Facebook poco antes de la masacre, Ahí dijo que iba a dispararle a su abuela antes de realizar un ataque en una escuela primaria, dijo el gobernador Greg Abbott en una conferencia de prensa.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics, Health |

Extra Edition: Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers (Repeat Program.) Also, Help for Latino College Students.

TUESDAY, MAY 24 PROGRAM # 9631 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers (Repeat Program.) In this conversation, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona talks about the federal student loan programs and his efforts to help millions of borrowers of student loans to receive forgiveness through public service. He also gives his […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Administración de Drogas y Alimentos aprueba vacuna de refuerzo a niños de 5 a 11 años

(Español) “Si su hijo es elegible para la vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 y aún no ha recibido su serie primaria”, dijo Califf, “vacunarlo puede ayudar a protegerlo de las consecuencias potencialmente graves que pueden ocurrir, como la hospitalización y la muerte”

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Youth |

Raising Teacher Salaries to Save Schools

The teacher shortage that has been plaguing public schools around the country has worsened during the pandemic. More and more teachers are leaving the profession, and schools are having trouble attracting new educators.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth |

Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers. Also, Help for Latino College Students.

MONDAY, MAY 9 PROGRAM # 9616 12:00 PM PT Secretary Cardona on Student Debt and Teachers. In this conversation, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona talks about the federal student loan programs and his efforts to help millions of borrowers of student loans to receive forgiveness through public service. On Teacher Appreciation Week, he also gives his […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Librotraficantes of Banned Books. Also, Firebrand Activist, Scholar Armando Navarro Remembered.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 PROGRAM # 9605 12:00 PM PT Librotraficantes of Banned Books. When Arizona officials banned Mexican American Studies and literature, cultural activists from Texas responded by organizing a caravan of “librotraficantes” to smuggle books into Arizona. Ten years later this week, they remember the anniversary with rallies in several cities under the banner […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Vaccines for Kids. Also, Latina Workers Hit Hardest by the Pandemic.

THURSDAY, APRIL 14 PROGRAM # 9593 12:00 PM PT Vaccines for Kids. COVID-19 vaccines are now available to children ages 5 and up in the U.S. A leading public health physician shares facts about California’s vaccination campaign for kids and answers common questions from parents. Why do kids need Covid-19 vaccines? How do they work […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Youth, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Publica el Departamento de Educación, Plan de Acción de Equidad

(Español) Los esfuerzos iniciales del Departamento para proporcionar alivio de préstamos específicos ya han llevado a la aprobación de 17 mil millones de dólares en cancelación de préstamos estudiantiles para más de 700 mil prestatarios.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Education, Homepage Feature, Youth |

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