
(Español) Universitaria que vivió en hogares de crianza, inspira a niños que se las ven difícil en el sistema

College Grad Raised in Foster Care Inspires Abused Children. – The number of Latino children that end up in foster care after being abused or abandoned by their parents has grown rapidly in Los Angeles, and there is an urgent need for help from fellow Spanish-speakers.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth |

Fearing to Sign-Up for Health Care.

MONDAY, MAY 22 PROGRAM # 8071 12:00 PM PST. Fearing to Sign-Up for Health Care. Immigrant families are worrying about signing up or renew coverage for their undocumented children in Medi-Cal fearing their personal information may be used to deport them. About 190,000 kids enrolled in Medi-Cal after California passed the Health4AllKids law a year […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Plan for Debt-Free College Moves Forward in California.

(Español) El plan ayudaría a los estudiantes de universidades públicas a pagar sus colegiaturas y sus gastos de sostenimiento. Además, haría gratuito el primer año de estudios en los colegios comunitarios.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Latest News |

Debt-Free College.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 PROGRAM # 8063 12:00 PM PST. Debt-Free College. At a time of rising tuition fees and financial crisis for college students, legislators in California are proposing a bold plan to help students avoid loan debt. The program, called “Degrees Not Debt,” would help students of public universities pay for tuition fees and […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ángeles y demonios hay en todas partes

(Español) Se convierten en una parte tan intrínseca de la fibra social de sus comunidades, que cuando son detenidos por autoridades migratorias para ser deportados, comunidades enteras se han volcado para pedir su liberación; incluso comunidades que votaron por el presidente Donald J. Trump.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

Children Facing “Toxic Stress.”

MONDAY, MARCH 13 PROGRAM # 8016 12:00 PM PST. Children Facing “Toxic Stress.” A number of migrant children, who have been victims of violence and trauma in their home countries, arrive to the US to face even more stress and anxiety while been separated from their families and interned in detention centers. This constant state […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

New Americans in Congress. Also, Dreamer Detained, Mother Seeks Sanctuary.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 PROGRAM # 7998 12:00 PM PST. New Americans in Congress. US Congressmembers from both parties came together to create a caucus to “celebrate the growing number of first generation Americans serving in the US Congress.” The group, called the New Americans Caucus, seeks to give immigrants a voice within Congress. Guests: Rep. […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

DeVos Public Education Plans.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 PROGRAM # 7983 12:00 PM PST. DeVos Public Education Plans. Trump’s Education Secretary nominee, billionaire Betsy DeVos, faced a divided committee of senators at her confirmation hearing, with Republicans on her side and Democrats questioning her wealth and ethical disclosures, and her activist support for moving taxpayer dollars from traditional public education […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Bilingual Education Back in California. Also, New Reality for Higher Education.

MONDAY, JANUARY 9 PROGRAM # 7971 12:00 PM PST. Bilingual Education Back in California. After voters approved Proposition 58, public schools in California have the green light to bring bilingual and multilingual programs back to the schoolroom. The new reform will take effect in July. How are schools preparing for the new law? Where are […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Youth Protest Juvenile Detention Center in Seattle

Young people and other residents of Seattle have been publicly protesting plans to build a new juvenile detention center in this city in the state of Washington. Statistics show juvenile detention centers all over the country jail more Black and Latino youth, compared to white youth.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth |

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