
(Español) Activista mexicano busca asilo ante un juez de Inmigración en Nueva York

(Español) La línea argumental de la defensa basó su estrategia en pintar a un México sumido totalmente en la corrupción y la impunidad del gobierno y sus instituciones, el narcotráfico en control de la economía y prácticamente de la sociedad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Proposition 187: 25 Years Later.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 8733 12:00 PM PT Proposition 187: 25 Years Later. California Proposition 187, a referendum initiative seeking to deny health care, education, and other public benefits to undocumented immigrants, was the first anti-immigrant state legislation of our times. Used as campaign fodder by then Gov. Pete Wilson and passed in 1994, […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Parten desde distintos puntos del pais miles de dacamentados para estar frente a la Corte Suprema el 12 de noviembre

(Español) Todos los que pueden votar voten en las próximas elecciones y presionen a los candidatos para que no se cancele DACA.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) William Barr y el acceso de los migrantes a la justicia

(Español) Los DUI, primera causa en detención de inmigrantes en casos de deportación. La medida de Barr afecta casos de suspensión de deportación y de visa U con casos por DUI.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Siguen sumándose republicanos al proyecto de Ley de Modernización de la Fuerza Laboral Agrícola de 2019

(Español) Ttrabajadores agrícolas ponen la comida en la mesa de EE UU, fortalecen la economía y potencian las exportaciones agrícolas.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 PROGRAM # 8731 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Bipartisan congressmembers unveil at Capitol Hill a new bill, the Farm Work Force Modernization Act, which allows farmworkers to earn legal status if they stay in agriculture and revise the H-2A guest worker program. The bill is the result of an unlikely compromise between […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Corte Suprema escuchará argumentos sobre DACA para unos 700 mil dacamentados

(Español) A pesar de su amplio éxito y su fuerte apoyo público DACA está luchando por su vida; porque ocho estados conservadores, de la mano del presidente Trump demandaron a DACA para ponerle fin, eliminar a sus beneficiarios y separar a cientos de miles de familias.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

A Tale of Mexican Immigrants Blurring the Border

In his new book, Homelands, the award-winning journalist Alfredo Corchado describes how Mexicans who migrate north transform themselves once in the United States and leave an indelible mark on their new adoptive home.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

California’s New Protections for Young Immigrants. Also, Colorado Plans Public Health Care Option.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 PROGRAM # 8728 12:00 PM PT California’s New Protections for Young Immigrants. California’s Medicaid program will now cover young undocumented adults, first state in the nation to extend health care coverage to that population. The law will go into effect on 2020. Another new state law will give tax credits for middle-class […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 PROGRAM # 8726 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. After legal experts demanded full disclosure on the process, he Trump administration reversed a decision to impose huge fines against immigrants who sought refuge in sanctuary churches. On other story, in Pomona, young organizers talk about their efforts to get local public schools to […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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