
The Year in Review.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 PROGRAM # 8771 12:00 PM PT The Year in Review. News reporters and commentators discuss some of the news stories that made headlines on Línea Abierta during 2019. Highlights include the impeachment of Trump, the mass shooting in El Paso, the battle in the courts for DACA and against the “public charge” […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Economy, Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

The Border Hotspots.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 PROGRAM # 8770 12:00 PM PT The Border Hotspots. A political analyst comments on major news developments hitting the US-Mexico border area during 2019. The ramifications of the mass shooting against Mexicans in El Paso, being investigated as a case of domestic terrorism and hate crime; the Trump administration’s Remain in Mexico […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 PROGRAM # 8768 12:00 PM PT “Tenacity.” In his autobiographical testimony, a distinguished civic leader tells the story of how witnessing the abusive arrest of his green-card father during an immigration raid as a young child left deep emotional scars that shaped his future as a public lawyer for the poor. He […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Propietarios de tierras fronterizas podrían levantar un muro contra el muro de Trump

(Español) “Es casi como si el muro estuviera obsoleto en ese momento”, dijo Michael Maldonado, el hijo de 30 años de Pamela Rivas, un terrateniente que ha estado luchando contra el gobierno en los tribunales durante 11 años.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Asi es Nuevo México.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 PROGRAM # 8766 12:00 PM PT Asi es Nuevo Mexico. In the towns of northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado people keep alive songs, tales, and a language dating back centuries. These are traditions indigenous to this region, known as Rio Arriba. What makes the traditional music and stories of the Rio […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Oficial del Ejército de EE UU regresa a casa a despedirse de su madre que será deportada

(Español) “En este momento el caso está en manos de ICE”, dijo la abogada de la matriarca. “Estamos esperando un milagro. No hay más que pueda hacer yo como abogado para ayudarla”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Solicita ICE a cortes de Inmigración reabrir casos de Dreamers para deportación

(Español) “La conclusión es que ellos [ICE] están preparando a estos jóvenes para que tengan órdenes finales de deportación, y para ser retirados de Estados Unidos tan pronto como se elimine DACA”, dijo a CNN Evans-Schroeder, el abogado de Inmigración de Tucson.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 PROGRAM # 8761 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Marco Saavedra, an undocumented immigrant who came to the US as a child is now requesting political asylum as a human rights activist. Saavedra gained notoriety in 2012 after taking bold actions to protest immigration policies: he made himself arrested to infiltrate a private […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Inmigrantes indocumentados en Nueva York pueden solicitar licencia de conducir

(Español) El Estado de Nueva York ha criticado y advertido a los oficiales de Inmigración de no realizar, como es su costumbre, operativos en zonas consideradas vulnerables, como cortes judiciales a donde los inmigrantes acuden como testigos o para seguir sus casos como víctimas de algún delito.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Stories of Separation and Resistance at the Border

“I want to be able to fix my papers so that I can go there to be with you, live as any normal family lives anywhere, be together.”

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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