
Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19! Also, Farm Workers: Shortchanged.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 PROGRAM #9027 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19! Medical researchers will soon be visiting farm working towns and neighborhoods in California’s Central Valley to offer free Covid-19 testing for farmworkers. In coordination with local community groups, clinicians and lab technicians will tour areas where coronavirus is out of control on mobile […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Arizona Immigrants Avoid Doctors for Fear of “Public Charge” Rule

In Arizona, undocumented Latino families and those with mixed immigration status are avoiding clinics and hospitals for fear of being considered a “public charge” and facing retaliation from federal authorities.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

“187: Rise of the Latino Vote.” Also, “Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground.”

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 PROGRAM #9025 12:00 PM PT “187: Rise of the Latino Vote.” This is a conversation with the creators of a documentary about Proposition 187, the ill-famed law from 1994 that after seeking to deny public services to immigrants ended up spurring millions of Latinos to register to vote. Proposition 187 sparked a […]

Posted in Elections, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

“Once I Was You.”

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 PROGRAM #9024 11:00 AM PT “Once I Was You.” This is a conversation with Emmy Award-winning journalist María Hinojosa about her new memoir, “Once I Was You, a Memoir of Love and Hate in a Torn America.” In her book, the anchor of NPR’s Latino USA shares stories about the current immigration […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Latinos en EE UU: 8va economía mundial. En 2018 aportan 308 mil 600 millones al tío Sam

(Español) Trump acusa a los inmigrantes de “carga pública”, a pesar de sus problemáticas contribuciones al fisco y los potenciales peligros que representan sus inmensas deudas para la seguridad nacional.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Redadas masivas de ICE en “Operación Santuario” comenzarían a partir de mañana

(Español) La administración Trump ha amenazado periódicamente con realizar operaciones contra ciudades santuario, incluido un plan para transportar a los migrantes desde la frontera y liberarlos en San Francisco y otras jurisdicciones controladas por demócratas, amenazándolas con despojarlas de los fondos federales.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 PROGRAM #9021 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Civil rights leader Dolores Huerta gives her perspective on the Trump administration’s refusal to obey a court order and continue the Census count until the end of October. She also gives her views on the passing of Supreme Court judge Ruth Ginsburg and the nomination […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Continúa ICE sometiendo por fuerza a prácticas ginecológicas a mujeres bajos su custodia

(Español) Es claro que hace falta una investigación profunda que detenga dichas histerectomías que se les practica de manera involuntaria e innecesaria a las mujeres inmigrantes detenidas en clara violación de sus derechos civiles y humanos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |
Molly Adams via flickr

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 PROGRAM #9014 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Members of Congress intervened to halt the deportation of a detained immigrant woman who complained that doctors at a Georgia detention center performed forced hysterectomy, a traumatic experience that according to a whistleblower nurse, was also performed on more detained immigrant women. This case raises […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) El aprendizaje remoto debe calibrarse para atender las necesidades de estudiantes inmigrantes

(Español) Los nuevos fondos y cambios de políticas deben apoyar a aquellos estudiantes que están menos familiarizados con el aprendizaje remoto o tienen acceso limitado a nuevas tecnologías, están aprendiendo inglés o tienen responsabilidades laborales.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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