
Immigrants on Prolonged Hunger Strike at Two California Private Prisons

Nearly 100 detainees in two private immigration detention centers in California’s Central Valley have been on a hunger strike for almost two weeks. The detainees are protesting against mistreatment by guards, unsanitary conditions, and labor exploitation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Criminal Justice |

Food for All Propose in California and Oregon.

THURSDAY, MARCH 2 PROGRAM # 9933 12:00 PM PT Food for All Propose in California and Oregon. During the pandemic, food assistance programs were developed for the most vulnerable, including those immigrants considered essential workers. Now that the end of the public health emergency has been decreed, this aid has also decreased although it is […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) La antidemocracia del extremismo antinmigrante

(Español) “Lo que buscan personajes como DeSantis es sumar puntos políticos de entre los segmentos más obscuros y extremistas no sólo de La Florida, sino de todo el país, al politizar de manera siniestra el tema migratorio

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |
Radio Bilingue

(Español) Línea Abierta cumple 28 años al aire, sus radioescuchas agradecen, opinan y sugieren

(Español) “… Entonces, cuando oigo mencionar libros, o cosas muy interesantes le digo a mis hijos: ‘pues vayan y busquen ese libro’… Gracias por tanta información que nos proveen a la comunidad, y solamente puedo decir esto: !Muchísimas gracias!”.

Posted in Historia, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 PROGRAM # 9930 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. In Florida, millions of dollars in resources were approved so that state agents can transport asylum seekers from any part of the United States, and drop them off in sanctuary cities and states. This controversial legislation is a political show that will open the […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9928 12:00 PM PT 28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta. Línea Abierta is the first and only national, live, Spanish-language call-in show in U.S. public broadcasting, and on February 25, it completed its 28th year. Radio Bilingüe launched Línea Abierta in 1995 to fill the void in public and commercial media […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Education, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Community Workers Fan Out to Persuade Immigrant Seniors to Get Covered

For some older immigrants who have signed up, the ability to get full coverage has been a godsend. Maria Rodriguez, 56, of Hayward, learned in September that she was eligible while visiting the local Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, a clinic that serves uninsured patients. A social worker helped her fill out the application online after a doctor had diagnosed her with diabetes and high blood pressure.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Sueños rotos: niños migrantes desnuda negligencia oficial y explotación económica

(Español) Mataderos de animales, industrias empacadoras de carne y otros productos como cereales, lecherías y almacenes o la construcción, la jardinería la industria automotriz y otras que los contratan han venido provocando enfermedades, amputaciones y muertes en estos menores.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Youth, Jobs |

Strong Opposition to Biden’s New Asylum Rules

The Biden administration has proposed its most radical policy to restrict access to asylum in the U.S. by those who have passed through a third country and facilitate their deportation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

California Says It Can No Longer Afford Aid for Covid Testing, Vaccinations for Migrants

“Now’s the time for the state of California to double down on supporting those individuals that are seeking relief from immigration detention,” said Pedro Rios, who directs the U.S.-Mexico border program at the American Friends Service Committee, which advocates on behalf of immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

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