
Overlooked in Vaccination Push, Farmworkers Hit Hard by COVID-19 –

In California, the state with the highest number of vaccinated people, there is one population that has lagged behind the rest. Farmworker families are the least likely to be vaccinated and the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

Infrastructure Vote Postponed Due to Divisions Among Democrats

Despite President Joe Biden’s call for unity to deliver a social infrastructure plan before he travels to the climate summit, his ambitious economic agenda remains adrift. While making progress, there are still deep divisions between conservative and progressive Democrats on social spending.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment |

(Español) Al cuarto para las 12, ¿dónde está el plan demócrata para una reforma migratoria?

(Español) Los demócratas le han mandado una carta al Senado, “exigiéndoles que los senadores le digan a la parlamentaria que su opinión no va a ser aceptada”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Crónicas de asaltos físicos y sexuales de agentes fronterizos a solicitantes de asilo

(Español) “Lo que citan es la evidencia de que el Departamento de Seguridad Interna tolera abusos sistemáticos. Citan asaltos físicos, asaltos sexuales y discriminación… Un secreto a voces dentro de DHS”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 PROGRAM # 9422 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. At the eleventh hour, Democrats are rushing to craft Plan C for immigration reform measures in the budget package. The debate is around two choices. Should Democrats disregard the opinion of the Senate parliamentarian and forge ahead with a plan that includes a path […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Migration, Climate Change and Education at Stake in Legislative Package

Amid signs that Democrats will strike a compromise on the two infrastructure packages this weekend, Latino lawmakers and activists are expressing concern that some pressing issues will be left out or minimized.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Un grito de urgencia palpita en el corazón político de la nación: “Urge la Reforma Migratoria” (videos)

(Español) Por esa y por otras razones es imperativo alzar la voz, y es aquí, en esta serie de cortos videos donde los propios inmigrantes indocumentados comparten con el público estadunidense las razones que los animan a exigir una reforma migratoria ¡ya!

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

(Español) Violenta y racista, la cultura de agentes fronterizos: Human Rights Watch

(Español) Human Rights Watch dice que se enviaron pedidos al inspector general del DHS, pero no ha recibido respuesta. El abogado de asilo Mathew Bowen declaró que las opiniones de abuso de uno de sus clientes eran “comunes en la Patrulla Fronteriza… Es parte de la cultura de la agencia”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 PROGRAM # 9415 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. Democratic leaders in Congress are considering to include immigration measures in the “human” infrastructure package to provide temporary legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants. The measures would expand the Homeland Security secretary’s authority to grant a temporary status known as parole to those […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Democrats Called on to Deliver on Immigration Reform –

wo weeks after the new deadline set by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to approve President Biden’s economic agenda, immigration reform remains stalled.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

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