
New Republican Assault on Sanctuary Cities in Florida Rejected

In Florida, Republican lawmakers are pushing a bill that would crack down on transportation for unaccompanied immigrant children and asylum seekers in the state. It would expand on previous initiatives targeting sanctuary cities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Extra Edition: California Heads for Universal Health Care. (Repeat). Also, Restoring Safety Net for Immigrant Families.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 PROGRAM # 9519 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: California Heads for Universal Health Care. (Repeat). A state health care bill to create a single-payer system is moving forward in the California legislature. Known as CalCare, the plan would get rid of private insurers and would provide government-run coverage for all residents in the […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 PROGRAM # 9520 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Justice Breyer is retiring from the Supreme Court and President Biden promised to nominate a Black woman. With a conservative supermajority in the court, what’s at stake? What can immigrants expect? In other news, Florida Gov. DeSantis and Republicans in the state Senate are […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Tras ser deportada, hondureña regresa 4 años después y se reúne con sus hijas

(Español) “Todos los problemas, me los guardé porque es extraño contárselo a un maestro o a un amigo o a alguien; porque tal vez no te entiendan o simplemente se sientan mal por ti”, dijo la joven después de pasar su primer día con su madre.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

California to Make History with Health Insurance for All, Including the Undocumented

California is poised to make history by extending health coverage to all low-income residents of the state, including the undocumented. The proposal is part of the new budget by Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

(Español) Corte de caja a primer año de gobierno de Biden

(Español) “Lo que puede hacer inmediatamente es asegurar que la gente puede entrar a nuestro país, con asilo, y quitar el Título 42”.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 PROGRAM # 9513 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Biden administration marked one year in office. What’s the state of his campaign promises? In other stories: A rural sheriff in Texas is under investigation for regularly taking money from undocumented immigrants during traffic stops. Also, Los Angeles county supervisors are moving to […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Restituye beneficios a residentes legales de la ley de Migración anterior a la de 1996

“A las personas que viven en Estados Unidos con DACA, TPS, les han negado el acceso a esos beneficios… y vimos que 74% de los americanos apoyan esta propuesta de restaurar esos beneficios”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Dan asistencia alimentaria a inmigrantes indocumentados de 55 años o más en CA

(Español) “En el condado de Fresno alrededor del 14.7 por ciento de toda esa población se consideraba insegura desde el punto de vista alimentario. Y en los condados vecinos del Valle Central, como Kings, Tulare, Merced, Mariposa y Madera, la tasa de inseguridad alimentaria cayó entre el 12.6% y 15.6%”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Denuncian más de 80 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en el NWDC, y la misma negligencia

(Español) “La propagación de COVID comenzó con el personal del centro de detención, principalmente empleados de GEO Group dando positivo y luego propagando el virus en 4 unidades debilitadas”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Featur, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

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