
(Español) Reforma Migratoria: se abre el telón… otra vez

(Español) Boehner puede liderar y ser parte de una solución beneficiosa para los inmigrantes, el país y su partido; o, como Rubio y Labrador, puede continuar en negación y seguir buscando excusas y culpables por un daño auto infligido; lo que irónicamente puede perjudicarlos… en las elecciones de medio término.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

From Victim to Leader.

Undocumented mother María Hernández survived 15 years of domestic violence. She managed to leave her abusive husband, and became a counsel for other immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence. Hernández’s story echoes that of many other women in the shadows: immigrant women are 3 to 6 times more likely to suffer domestic violence […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Rep. Gutiérrez optimistic House will pass immigration reform this year

(Español) “Estoy plenamente convencido de que se va a hacer. Quizá no se firme este año”, matizó el legislador, “pero de que la Cámara de Representantes adopte medidas este año, que se pueden reconciliar con la versión del Senado, y llevar un paquete de legislación al presidente, eso sí se va a poder hacer”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Topics |

Most Americans disapprove of GOP House control, says poll

(Español) El senador republicano, Marco Rubio dijo sin embargo a la cadena Fox que las acciones del presidente han dificultado aprobar temas como la reforma migratoria.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Ten arrested in protest at Arizona Attorney General office

(Español) Algunos de los arrestados son familiares de jóvenes amparados por la Acción Diferida y calificaron a Horne de hipócrita.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Florida tomato worker organizers receive award

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a group of farm workers, has been distinguished with one of the prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Awards, for its 20 year struggle to improve the living conditions of the workers in the tomato fields of southern Florida. Past recipients of the award include such great figures as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. The day before the award ceremony, the Coalition took advantage of its trip to New York to hold a protest in downtown Manhattan in front of the offices of the burger chain Wendy’s, the only one of the top five fast food chains in the nation that has not signed on to the Coalition’s Fair Food Agreement. Our correspondent Marco Vinicio González was at the protest and the award ceremony.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Analysis: House Immigration Failure Would Mean a High Price for Children

“Over the last several years, millions of children across the country have fallen victim to our enforcement-driven policies,” said Gonzales. “Unless these trends are reversed and individuals are provided with access to citizenship, our young people will continue to suffer the consequences due to Congressional inaction.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Undocumented activists block ICE bus, demand halt to deportations

(Español) Esta acción para impedir las deportaciones y presionar por una reforma migratoria es la tercera en lo que va de la semana; las dos primeras se llevaron a cabo en Tucson y Phoenix, Arizona, el pasado lunes. Los activistas prometieron que seguirían realizando estas acciones en otras ciudades y otros estados.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Agreement reached in Washington

After two weeks of political and fiscal crisis, the federal government reopened its doors and the national debt ceiling was raised. Many Republicans admitted they failed at annulling or postponing the Affordable Care Act. But it is a temporary truce, since Democrats and Republicans immediately began a new battle, not only over the deficit and public spending, but about President Barack Obama’s pending agenda, including immigration reform.  José López Zamorano has more details from the nation’s capital.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Coalition of Immokalee workers received Four Freedoms award

(Español) Con consignas que en medio de la música leían: Wendy’s – Comida Justa, o Respeto, o Dignidad…, para persuadir a los ejecutivos de esta cadena de comida rápida a que se sumen a la campaña nacional de Alimento Justo

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

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