
Washington’s King County narrows immigrant jail holds

(Español) Según un estudio de la Universidad de Washington, con esta medida el condado podría ahorrar casi dos millones de dólares (1.8) al año.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

To Sin Against Hope. Also, Heavy Fine Against Spanish Language Show.

In his new book about life and politics in the borderland, titled “To Sin Against Hope,” Alfredo Gutierrez argues that the war on Mexican immigrants has rarely abated. This personal memoir of the former leader of the Arizona State Senate begins with the deportation of his U.S. citizen father from his Arizona hometown, during a […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Refuerzan ayuno por la reforma migratoria líderes de fe

(Español) La Red Nacional de PICO y afiliados en los grupos de trabajo, de negocios y de derechos de los inmigrantes continuarán las movilizaciones, orando y ayunando hasta que el Congreso traiga un voto al pleno sobre la ciudadanía, sostienen un comunicado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Obama’s commitment to immigration reform questioned

(Español) Agrega que Obama “sí puede expandir los esfuerzos administrativos para proteger a otros inmigrantes que han quedado varados por el fracaso legislativo”.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Fifty Arizona residents to lobby for immigration reform in DC

(Español) El grupo arizonense planea estar en Washington hasta el 13 de diciembre, cuando termine la sesión legislativa.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Immigration Enforcement Policies Affect Childrens’ Health

Hundreds of thousands of American children are suffering withdrawal, aggression, separation anxiety, and symptoms consistent with PTSD, because of the wave of detentions and deportations of parents. “From a mental health perspective, the only categories we have to speak about this are depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, ADHD, but I feel that those categories do not truly honor what is happening at a national level,” said Maria Jose Soerens. “In those conditions, to be honest, there is not much we can do as mental health professionals. The source of the stress is completely outside of the family. How can you teach a child to cope with conditions that are completely outside of anyone’s power?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Health |

(Español) Obama visita campamento de ayuno en DC

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Border Patrol pepper sprays dozens of protesters

(Español) Uriel González, de la Coalición Pro Migrantes de Tijuana, criticó que se utilice a esa población vulnerable que pudo haber sufrido las consecuencias.

Posted in Immigration, Mexico, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Survivor of abuse turned distinguished advocate

This week marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. In the context of this commemoration, we present the story of a woman who went from being a victim of violence in her home to being a notable leader of women and immigrants. After suffering abuse in silence and living in fear for years, one day she decided to break with that life and free herself from the violence. She is now an advocate for women in trouble and she has gone all the way to the nation’s capital to fight for immigration reform. Farida Jhabvala Romero reports from San Francisco, California.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Call for national fast for immigration reform

Despite freezing temperatures across the East Coast, the hunger strikers outside the Capitol Building keep demanding that Congress vote on immigration reform. With no response from the Republican leadership, union leader Eliseo Medina called for a national fast from December 1st to 3rd to raise consciousness around the country. José López Zamorano has more from Washington, D.C.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

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